Update metadata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. http:post:: /1/(str:collection-name)/(int:deposit-id)/metadata/ Add metadata to a deposit. Only possible if the deposit's status is partial. .. http:put:: /1/(str:collection-name)/(int:deposit-id)/metadata/ Replace all metadata by submitting a new metadata file. Only possible if the deposit's status is partial. Also known as: *update iri* (SE-IRI) :reqheader Authorization: Basic authentication token :reqheader Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[filename] ; the filename parameter must be text (ascii), with a name parameter set to 'atom'. :reqheader In-progress: `true` if not final; `false` when final request. :statuscode 204: success without payload on PUT :statuscode 201: success for deposit on POST :statuscode 401: Unauthorized :statuscode 415: unsupported media type