.. _swh-graph-export: =================== Exporting a dataset =================== This repository aims to contain various pipelines to generate datasets of Software Heritage data, so that they can be used internally or by external researchers. Graph dataset ============= Exporting the full dataset -------------------------- Right now, the only supported export pipeline is the *Graph Dataset*, a set of relational tables representing the Software Heritage Graph, as documented in :ref:`swh-graph-dataset`. It can be run using the ``swh export graph export`` command. This dataset can be exported in two different formats: ``orc`` and ``edges``. To export a graph, you need to provide a comma-separated list of formats to export with the ``--formats`` option. You also need an export ID, a unique identifier used by the Kafka server to store the current progress of the export. **Note**: exporting as the ``edges`` format is discouraged, as it is redundant and can easily be generated directly from the ORC format. Here is an example command to start a graph dataset export:: swh export -C graph_export_config.yml graph export \ --formats orc \ --export-id 2022-04-25 \ -p 64 \ /srv/softwareheritage/hdd/graph/2022-04-25 This command usually takes more than a week for a full export, it is therefore advised to run it in a service or a tmux session. The configuration file should contain the configuration for the swh-journal clients, as well as various configuration options for the exporters. Here is an example configuration file:: journal: brokers: - kafka1.internal.softwareheritage.org:9094 - kafka2.internal.softwareheritage.org:9094 - kafka3.internal.softwareheritage.org:9094 - kafka4.internal.softwareheritage.org:9094 security.protocol: SASL_SSL sasl.mechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-512 max.poll.interval.ms: 1000000 remove_pull_requests: true The following configuration options can be used for the export: - ``remove_pull_requests``: remove all edges from origin to snapshot matching ``refs/*`` but not matching ``refs/heads/*`` or ``refs/tags/*``. This removes all the pull requests that are present in Software Heritage (archived with ``git clone --mirror``). Uploading on S3 & on the annex ------------------------------ The dataset should then be made available publicly by uploading it on S3 and on the public annex. For S3:: aws s3 cp --recursive /srv/softwareheritage/hdd/graph/2022-04-25/orc s3://softwareheritage/graph/2022-04-25/orc For the annex:: scp -r 2022-04-25/orc saam.internal.softwareheritage.org:/srv/softwareheritage/annex/public/dataset/graph/2022-04-25/ ssh saam.internal.softwareheritage.org cd /srv/softwareheritage/annex/public/dataset/graph git annex add 2022-04-25 git annex sync --content Documenting the new dataset --------------------------- In the ``swh-export`` repository, edit the the file ``docs/graph/dataset.rst`` to document the availability of the new dataset. You should usually mention: - the name of the dataset version (e.g., 2022-04-25) - the number of nodes - the number of edges - the available formats (notably whether the graph is also available in its compressed representation). - the total on-disk size of the dataset - the buckets/URIs to obtain the graph from S3 and from the annex