Directory ^^^^^^^^^ .. http:get:: /browse/directory/(sha1_git)/ HTML view for browsing the content of a directory reachable from the provided root one (including itself) identified by its **sha1_git** value. The content of the directory is first sorted in lexicographical order and the sub-directories are displayed before the regular files. The view enables to navigate from the requested directory to directories reachable from it in a recursive way but also up to the root directory. A breadcrumb located in the top part of the view allows to keep track of the paths navigated so far. :param string sha1_git: hexadecimal representation for the **sha1_git** identifier of the directory to browse :query string path: optional parameter used to specify the path of a directory reachable from the provided root one :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 400: an invalid **sha1_git** value has been provided :statuscode 404: requested directory cannot be found in the archive **Examples:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_browse:`directory/977fc4b98c0e85816348cebd3b12026407c368b6/` :swh_web_browse:`directory/9650ed370c0330d2cd2b6fd1e9febf649ffe538d/?path=kernel/sched` .. http:get:: /browse/directory/(sha1_git)/(path)/ :deprecated: .. warning:: That endpoint is deprecated, use :http:get:`/browse/directory/(sha1_git)/` instead. HTML view for browsing the content of a directory reachable from the provided root one (including itself) identified by its **sha1_git** value. The content of the directory is first sorted in lexicographical order and the sub-directories are displayed before the regular files. The view enables to navigate from the requested directory to directories reachable from it in a recursive way but also up to the root directory. A breadcrumb located in the top part of the view allows to keep track of the paths navigated so far. :param string sha1_git: hexadecimal representation for the **sha1_git** identifier of the directory to browse :param string path: optional parameter used to specify the path of a directory reachable from the provided root one :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 400: an invalid **sha1_git** value has been provided :statuscode 404: requested directory cannot be found in the archive **Examples:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_browse:`directory/977fc4b98c0e85816348cebd3b12026407c368b6/` :swh_web_browse:`directory/9650ed370c0330d2cd2b6fd1e9febf649ffe538d/kernel/sched/`