.. _webhooks-svix: Webhooks Svix ============= .. admonition:: Intended audience :class: important sysadm staff members .. admonition:: Scope of commands :class: note For the following page, unless specified otherwise, the commands are executed from the sysadm computer. * `Svix Overview `_ * `Svix Default Configuration `_ .. _webhooks-svix-components: Components ---------- * ``swh-webhooks``: - role: journal client - repository: ``swh-charts`` (swh) - namespace: swh (production), swh-cassandra (staging) * ``svix-server``: - role: webhook server - repository: ``swh-charts`` (cluster-components) - namespace: svix-server * ``redis``: - role: cache, message queue - repository: ``k8s-clusters-config`` (argocd-configuration/applications) - namespace: svix-server * ``postgresql``: - role: database - server: ``albertina:5434`` - db name: swh-svix .. _webhooks-svix-architecture: Architecture ------------ |webhooks_architecture| .. |webhooks_architecture| image:: ../images/infrastructure/webhooks_svix_architecture.png .. admonition:: Generate a svix authentication token :class: note .. code:: console ᐅ kubectl --context archive-production-rke2 exec -ti \ $(kubectl --context archive-production-rke2 get po -n svix-server -l app=svix-server -o name) \ -n svix-server -- svix-server jwt generate Token (Bearer): XXX It will be necessary to register ``swh-webhooks`` in ``svix-server``. .. _webhooks-svix-register-event-types: Register default webhook event-types ------------------------------------ .. code:: console swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks event-type register-defaults swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks event-type list INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/event-type/?include_archived=false&with_content=true "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Registered event types: origin.create: This event is triggered when a new software origin is added to the archive origin.visit: This event is triggered when a new visit of a software origin was performed .. _webhooks-svix-register-endpoint: Create webhook event-type endpoint ---------------------------------- .. admonition:: Get the web-archive secret :class: note .. code:: console ᐅ kubectl --context archive-production-rke2 exec -ti -n swh -c web-archive \ $(kubectl --context archive-production-rke2 get pods -n swh -l app=web-archive -o name | awk 'NR == 1') \ -- awk '/save_code_now_webhook_secret/{print $2}' /etc/swh/config.yml whsec_XXX Webhook secret must match the following regexp ``^whsec_[a-zA-Z0-9+/=]{32,100}$``. .. code:: console swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks -C $SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME endpoint \ create origin.visit "$URL" --secret "${TOKEN}" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/event-type/origin.visit/ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/app/21dacaea-7e38-5e52-80af-4d926f0c43d1/endpoint/ "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: PUT https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/app/21dacaea-7e38-5e52-80af-4d926f0c43d1/endpoint/62d4603b-aec8-5ba9-8837-49be0f077bf3/headers/ "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content" .. _webhooks-svix-delete-endpoint: Delete webhook event-type endpoint ---------------------------------- From ``swh-webhooks``: .. code:: console swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ URL=$(swh webhooks endpoint list origin.visit \ 2> /dev/null) swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks endpoint delete origin.visit "$URL" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.staging.swh.network/api/v1/event-type/origin.visit/ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: DELETE https://svix.internal.staging.swh.network/api/v1/app/21dacaea-7e38-5e52-80af-4d926f0c43d1/endpoint/c82f7b48-8216-54cd-8930-9dadced85f87/ "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content" From ``toolbox``: .. code:: console swh@swh-toolbox:~$ APP_ID=$(./svix app list | jq -r '.data[] | \ select(.name=="origin.visit") | .id') swh@swh-toolbox:~$ ENDPOINT_ID=$(./svix endpoint list "$APP_ID" | \ jq -r '.data[] | select(.filterTypes==["origin.visit"]) | .id') swh@swh-toolbox-cbdf54845-5ckqt:~$ ./svix endpoint delete "$APP_ID" "$ENDPOINT_ID" Are you sure you want to delete the the endpoint with id: ep_2fajH3V05o7VLMAxMnaUgyBlQfT? [y/N] y█ Endpoint "ep_2fajH3V05o7VLMAxMnaUgyBlQfT" Deleted! .. _webhooks-svix-install-cli: Install svix-cli on toolbox --------------------------- .. code:: console swh@swh-toolbox:~$ wget -q https://github.com/svix/svix-cli/releases/download/v0.21.1/svix_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz swh@swh-toolbox:~$ tar xvzf svix_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz svix svix swh@swh-toolbox:~$ chmod +x svix swh@swh-toolbox:~$ awk '/auth_token|server_url/{print $2}' /etc/swh/config-webhooks.yml swh@swh-toolbox:~$ ./svix login Welcome to the Svix CLI, enter your auth token to get started! ✔ Svix Server URL: ✔ Svix Auth Token: swh@swh-toolbox:~$ cat .config/svix/config.toml auth_token = "XXX" color = "auto" server_url = "XXX" .. _webhooks-svix-check-webhooks-applications: Check webhooks applications --------------------------- ``swh-webhooks`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: console swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks -C "$SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME" event-type list INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/event-type/?include_archived=false&with_content=true "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Registered event types: origin.create: This event is triggered when a new software origin is added to the archive origin.visit: This event is triggered when a new visit of a software origin was performed .. code:: console swh@webhooks-origin-visit-status:~$ swh webhooks -C "$SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME" endpoint list origin.visit INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/event-type/origin.visit/ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: GET https://svix.internal.softwareheritage.org/api/v1/app/21dacaea-7e38-5e52-80af-4d926f0c43d1/endpoint/?order=descending "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/origin/visit/webhook/ ``svix-cli`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: console swh@swh-toolbox:~$ APPLICATION=$(./svix app list | jq -r '.data[] | select (.name=="origin.visit") | .id') swh@swh-toolbox:~$ echo "$APPLICATION" app_2euZUZcVz4Hy5kyctOvLIl0Uy8J swh@swh-toolbox:~$ ./svix endpoint list "$APPLICATION" | \ jq -r '.data[] | select(.filterTypes==["origin.visit"])' { "createdAt": "2024-04-23T13:37:43.389652Z", "description": "", "disabled": false, "filterTypes": [ "origin.visit" ], "id": "ep_2fVHjwUWJ7TRJC2rnqoFO5cjuHm", "metadata": {}, "rateLimit": null, "uid": "a0f2206d-2d21-580e-b1dc-4f4f1f8fd1af", "updatedAt": "2024-04-23T13:37:43.414656Z", "url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/origin/visit/webhook/", "version": 1 } .. _webhooks-svix-check-service-logs: Check service logs ------------------ ``swh-webhooks`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: console ᐅ kail --context archive-production-rke2 -n swh -c webhooks ``svix-server`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: console ᐅ kail --context archive-production-rke2 -n svix-server -c svix-server ``postgresql`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: postgres-console swh-svix=# select * from messageattempt where response_status_code = '403' limit 1; -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+---------------------------------------------------------------- id | atmpt_2euhVJY9NbUimKxVPY4Z6Z16LNW created_at | 2024-04-10 14:46:32.39531+00 msg_id | msg_2euhVJRF8bm1qRvNHkmgWbQADFf msg_dest_id | msgep_2euhVJVfsO7HB9sUD23W54f1KeA endp_id | ep_2euhUYHc78b3h5vapXbWCwzWBn9 url | https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/origin/visit/webhook/ status | 2 response_status_code | 403 response | \r + | 403 Forbidden\r + | \r + |

403 Forbidden

\r + |
\r + | \r + | \r + | ended_at | 2024-04-10 14:46:32.545165+00 trigger_type | 0 ``swh-web`` ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: console ᐅ kail --context archive-production-rke2 -n swh -c web-archive -l app=web-archive