.. _gitlab_installation: .. admonition:: Intended audience :class: important sysadm staff members Gitlab installation =================== The deployment of the gitlab instances is managed by: - terraform for the infrastructure part - ArgoCd for the Gitlab deployment Each deployment relies on a dedicated `AKS` instance and a dedicated blob storage. Infrastructure -------------- The `terraform code `__ is deploying and configuring a full, dedicated Azure Kubernetes Service matching this environment: .. figure:: ../../images/gitlab-infrastructure.png :alt: Gitlab Infrastructure (`source `__) The output of terraform displays all the necessary information to connect to the kubernetes cluster. It's also possible to get the information by executing those commands: .. code:: bash terraform output gitlab-_aks_summary terraform output --raw gitlab-_storage_summary Once the infrastructure is created and available, Gitlab is deployed by ArgoCD. It's done by deploying the `Gitlab Operator `__ and a gitlab configuration (for example, the `staging configuration `__). A couple of other components are also deployed in parallel to manage the monitoring, an additional ingress controller and cert-manager. The applications are available in the `k8s-clusters-conf repository `__. Important components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The gitlab transactional data is stored on a couple of kubernetes PVs associated to their relative Azure volumes .. code:: bash kubectl -n gitlab-system get pv 17:36:19 NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-38afb357-36e4-4661-9be6-011f58a24c95 64Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/repo-data-gitlab-gitaly-0 default 20d pvc-46544290-0278-4b41-b616-7466cd5140f9 8Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/data-gitlab-postgresql-0 default 20d pvc-988b8047-2ac9-426b-8792-37d749141657 8Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/redis-data-gitlab-redis-master-0 default 20d pvc-c55bdefa-089b-4cda-b0d0-a1daafb6f37f 16Gi RWO Retain Bound monitoring/prometheus-gitlab-production-promethe-prometheus-db-prometheus-gitlab-production-promethe-prometheus-0 default 19d By default, the operator use a `Delete` reclaim policy which is risky. After the initial installation, it was manually changed to switch to a `Retain` policy - The gitlab assets (attachments, container registry data, ...) are stored in a dedicated object storage account Backups ------- .. note:: The backup will be stored on a minio instance installed on the Rocquencourt infrastructure. see `#4645 `__ Upgrades -------- An upgrade of gitlab is done in two major steps (**always test in staging before upgrading the production environment**) It's important to follow the operator releases (at most 3 minor versions late or the migration will not be supported by the operator). - Step 1 `Upgrade the operator `__ - Check the last `gitlab operator release `__ and the chart versions mapping - Update the operator version in the `application declaration `__. `Example of upgrade `__ - Commit and push the change. - Wait a couple of minutes to let ArgoCD apply the change - A restart of the operator pod should happen (check the gitlab-controller-manager pod). - Something like this should be visible in the operator logs: .. code:: shell > kubernetes logs gitlab-controller-manager-xxxx-xxxx Configuration error detected: chart version 6.5.1 not supported; please use one of the following: 6.5.2, 6.4.4, 6.3.5 At this point, the gitlab operator is updated but the Gitlab upgrade itself is not yet started. - Step 2 `Upgrade the gitlab version `__ - Follow the recommended upgrade path depending on the current deployed version of the gitlab instance and the allowed versions of the operator - Update the chart version matching the desired gitlab version (should be present on the release page of the operator) in the `gitlab resource declaration `__ - Commit and push the change - Wait a couple of minutes to let ArgoCD apply the change - An upgrade of the gitlab services should happen and the launch of a migration pod should be done - After a couple of minutes (could be as long as an hour), the cluster should stabilize if everything is ok (no pending pods, no pods in error, ...) - Check the deployed version and the operator logs to check if nothing is wrong .. code:: shell > kubectl -n gitlab-system get gitlab 17:33:39 NAME STATUS VERSION gitlab Running 6.5.2