.. _onboarding: Reference: Onboarding checklist =============================== .. admonition:: Intended audience :class: important staff members This page describes the onboarding process for new staff member on the project. .. _onboarding_goodies: Goodies ------- - give out Software Heritage t-shirt and stickers! .. _onboarding_administrative: Administrative -------------- - Inria access badge and office keys - Sign PV d'installation - Create Inria account - `cantine card `_ - `transportation expenses `_ - Add picture (150x150px) and short bio to the `people page `_ - Review the `team charter `_ .. _onboarding_technical_setup: Technical setup --------------- - Create \*nix account and email alias on project machines (swh-site puppet repo) - Set \*nix password for the account (swh-private-data puppet repository) - Set up email forwarding on `gandi `_ - Configure printer: - if the machine was configured through puppet: add printer alias per \*nix account mapping \*nix account to the inria's ldap account if different - Otherwise, check the `SIC documentation`_. If the page looks empty/broken, make sure you select "Space language: French" (the English translation is missing) - Create `Phabricator`_ account - add user to phabricator `projects `_: Developers, Staff, Reviewers, Interns (if applicable) - Create `Gitlab`_ account - add user to the `Staff group `_ - TODO: Define further group memberships for new users - `VPN `_ access - HTTP auth credentials for the `intranet wiki`_ - Create account on the `intranet wiki`_ and ask someone to give you the shared auth credentials - Create account on the `public wiki`_ - add "staff" role from production and staging user accounts on Keycloak Extra steps for sysadm: - Add GPG key to password manager - Add GPG key to allow debian package upload (pergamon:/srv/softwareheritage/repository/conf/uploaders) .. _onboarding_communication: Communication ------------- - Subscribe to `mailing lists`_: swh-devel, swh-team - Invite to `IRC channels`_ - Give staff role on IRC (`/msg ChanServ FLAGS #swh-team Staff`, which applies on all channels) - Create user page on the intranet (see `example `_) with personal contact information - Subscribe to `team calendar `_ .. _onboarding_training: Training -------- - Read `data model `_ - Read `python modules structure `_ - Follow `getting started tutorial `_ - Have ``make check`` and ``make test`` pass there in swh-environment - `Configure arcanist `_ and submit a first diff following the `code review `_ workflow .. _onboarding_see_also: See also -------- - `Outboarding `_ (i.e., what to do when a staff member *leave*) .. _SIC documentation: https://vpn1-roc.national.inria.fr/+CSCO+1h75676763663A2F2F7162702D66762E766165766E2E7365++/display/SU/impression+unifiee#expand-ConfigurerlimpressiondepuisunposteLinux .. _mailing lists: https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Mailing_lists .. _IRC channels: https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/IRC_channels .. _intranet wiki: https://intranet.softwareheritage.org .. _public wiki: https://wiki.softwareheritage.org .. _Phabricator: https://forge.softwareheritage.org .. _Gitlab: https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org