.. _user-software-origins-gogs: Gogs ==== .. include:: dynamic/gogs_status.inc Gogs (Go Git Service) is a Git hosting platform. |swh|'s Gogs lister queries the project API (eg. https://try.gogs.io/api/v1/repos/search for try.gogs.io), usually with an authentication token as Gogs does not allow anonymous access. It provides an ``updated_at`` field for each repository, matching the last time the repository (TODO: or project? does it cover stuff like PRs and issues?) was updated; which is passed as ``last_update`` to the scheduler. |swh| does not have a specific loader for Gitea; the :ref:`Git ` loader is used instead. Therefore, origin URLs are Gogs's canonical URLs for the corresponding Git repository: :file:`https://{domain}/{owner}/{name}.git`` New Gogs instances can be submitted to |swh| through the `Add Forge Now `_ interface. |swh| does not yet archive extrinsic project metadata (eg. project description) from Gogs.