Setup on Amazon Athena#

The Software Heritage Graph Dataset is available as a public dataset in Amazon Athena. Athena uses presto, a distributed SQL query engine, to automatically scale queries on large datasets.

The pricing of Athena depends on the amount of data scanned by each query, generally at a cost of $5 per TiB of data scanned. Full pricing details are available here.

Note that because the Software Heritage Graph Dataset is available as a public dataset, you do not have to pay for the storage, only for the queries (except for the data you store on S3 yourself, like query results).

Loading the tables#

AWS account#

In order to use Amazon Athena, you will first need to create an AWS account and setup billing.

You will also need to create an output S3 bucket: this is the place where Athena will store your query results, so that you can retrieve them and analyze them afterwards. To do that, go on the S3 console and create a new bucket.


Athena needs to be made aware of the location and the schema of the Parquet files available as a public dataset. Unfortunately, since Athena does not support queries that contain multiple commands, it is not as simple as pasting an installation script in the console. Instead, you can use the swh dataset athena command on your local machine, which will query Athena to create the tables automatically with the appropriate schema.

First, install the swh.dataset Python module from PyPI:

pip install swh.dataset

Once the dependencies are installed, run:

aws configure

This will ask for an AWS Access Key ID and an AWS Secret Access Key in order to give the Boto3 library access to your AWS account. These keys can be generated at this address.

It will also ask for the region in which you want to run the queries. We recommend to use us-east-1, since that’s where the public dataset is located.

Creating the tables#

The swh dataset athena create command can be used to create the tables on your Athena instance. For example, to create the tables of the 2021-03-23 graph:

swh dataset athena create \
    --database-name swh_graph_2021_03_23
    --location-prefix s3://softwareheritage/graph/2021-03-23
    --output-location s3://YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET/

To check that the tables have been successfully created in your account, you can open your Amazon Athena console. You should be able to select the database corresponding to your dataset, and see the tables:


Running queries#

From the console, once you have selected the database of your dataset, you can run SQL queries directly from the Query Editor.

Try for instance this query that computes the most frequent file names in the archive:

SELECT from_utf8(name, '?') AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT target) AS cnt
FROM directory_entry

Other examples are available in the preprint of our article: The Software Heritage Graph Dataset: Public software development under one roof.

It is also possible to query Athena directly from the command line, using the swh dataset athena query command:

echo "select message from revision limit 10;" |
swh dataset athena query \
    --database-name swh_graph_2021_03_23
    --output-location s3://YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET/