SWHIDs (SoftWare Hash IDentifiers)#
- GET /api/1/resolve/(swhid)/#
Resolve a SoftWare Hash IDentifier (SWHID)
Try to resolve a provided SoftWare Hash IDentifier into an url for browsing the pointed archive object.
If the provided identifier is valid, the existence of the object in the archive will also be checked.
- Parameters:
swhid (string) – a SoftWare Hash IDentifier
- Response JSON Object:
browse_url (string) – the url for browsing the pointed object
metadata (object) – object holding optional parts of the SWHID
namespace (string) – the SWHID namespace
object_id (string) – the hash identifier of the pointed object
object_type (string) – the type of the pointed object
scheme_version (number) – the scheme version of the SWHID
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – an invalid SWHID has been provided
404 Not Found – the pointed object does not exist in the archive
- POST /api/1/known/#
Check if a list of objects are present in the Software Heritage archive.
The objects to check existence must be provided using SoftWare Hash IDentifiers.
- Request JSON Array of Objects:
- (string) – input array of SWHIDs, its length cannot exceed 1000.
- Response JSON Object:
<swhid> (object) –
an object whose keys are input SWHIDs and values objects with the following keys:
known (bool): whether the object was found
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – an invalid SWHID was provided
413 Request Entity Too Large – the input array of SWHIDs is too large
- GET /api/1/raw/(swhid)/#
Get the object corresponding to the SWHID in raw form.
This endpoint exposes the internal representation (see the
functions inswh.model.git_objects
), and so can be used to fetch a binary blob which hashes to the same identifier.- Parameters:
swhid (string) – the object’s SWHID
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – application/octet-stream
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – the requested object cannot be found in the archive