Source code for swh.scheduler.utils

# Copyright (C) 2017-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface
from swh.scheduler.model import ListedOrigin, Lister

[docs] def utcnow(): return
[docs] def get_task(task_name): """Retrieve task object in our application instance by its fully qualified python name. Args: task_name (str): task's name (e.g swh.loader.git.tasks.LoadDiskGitRepository) Returns: Instance of task """ from swh.scheduler.celery_backend.config import app for module in app.conf.CELERY_IMPORTS: __import__(module) return app.tasks[task_name]
[docs] def create_task_dict( type: str, policy: str, *args, next_run: Optional[datetime] = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a task with type and policy, scheduled for as soon as possible. Args: type: Type of oneshot task as per swh-scheduler's db table task_type's column (Ex: load-git, check-deposit) policy: oneshot or recurring policy next_run: optional date and time from which the task can be executed, use current time otherwise Returns: Expected dictionary for the one-shot task scheduling api (swh.scheduler.backend.create_tasks) """ task_extra = {} for extra_key in ["priority", "retries_left"]: if extra_key in kwargs: extra_val = kwargs.pop(extra_key) task_extra[extra_key] = extra_val task = { "policy": policy, "type": type, "next_run": next_run or utcnow(), "arguments": { "args": args if args else [], "kwargs": kwargs if kwargs else {}, }, } task.update(task_extra) return task
[docs] def create_origin_task_dict(origin: ListedOrigin, lister: Lister) -> Dict[str, Any]: if origin.lister_id != raise ValueError( "origin.lister_id and differ", origin.lister_id, ) return { "type": f"load-{origin.visit_type}", "arguments": { "args": [], "kwargs": { "url": origin.url, "lister_name":, "lister_instance_name": lister.instance_name or None, **origin.extra_loader_arguments, }, }, }
[docs] def create_origin_task_dicts( origins: List[ListedOrigin], scheduler: SchedulerInterface ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns a task dict for each origin, in the same order.""" lister_ids = {o.lister_id for o in origins} listers = { lister for lister in scheduler.get_listers_by_id(list(map(str, lister_ids))) } missing_lister_ids = lister_ids - set(listers) assert not missing_lister_ids, f"Missing listers: {missing_lister_ids}" return [create_origin_task_dict(o, listers[o.lister_id]) for o in origins]
[docs] def create_oneshot_task_dict( type: str, *args, next_run: Optional[datetime] = None, **kwargs ): """Create a oneshot task scheduled for as soon as possible. Args: type: Type of oneshot task as per swh-scheduler's db table task_type's column (Ex: load-git, check-deposit) next_run: optional date and time from which the task can be executed, use current time otherwise Returns: Expected dictionary for the one-shot task scheduling api (:func:`swh.scheduler.backend.create_tasks`) """ return create_task_dict(type, "oneshot", *args, next_run=next_run, **kwargs)