swh.scheduler.utils module#
- swh.scheduler.utils.get_task(task_name)[source]#
Retrieve task object in our application instance by its fully qualified python name.
- Parameters:
task_name (str) – task’s name (e.g swh.loader.git.tasks.LoadDiskGitRepository)
- Returns:
Instance of task
- swh.scheduler.utils.create_task(type: str, policy: Literal['recurring', 'oneshot'], *args, next_run: datetime | None = None, priority: Literal['high', 'normal', 'low'] | None = None, retries_left: int | None = None, **kwargs) Task [source]#
- Create a task with type and policy, scheduled for as soon as
- Parameters:
type – Type of oneshot task as per swh-scheduler’s db table task_type’s column (Ex: load-git, check-deposit)
policy – oneshot or recurring policy
next_run – optional date and time from which the task can be executed, use current time otherwise
- Returns:
Expected dictionary for the one-shot task scheduling api (swh.scheduler.backend.create_tasks)
- swh.scheduler.utils.create_origin_task(origin: ListedOrigin, lister: Lister) Task [source]#
- swh.scheduler.utils.create_origin_tasks(origins: List[ListedOrigin], scheduler: SchedulerInterface) List[Task] [source]#
Returns a task dict for each origin, in the same order.
- swh.scheduler.utils.create_oneshot_task(type: str, *args, next_run: datetime | None = None, **kwargs) Task [source]#
Create a oneshot task scheduled for as soon as possible.
- Parameters:
type – Type of oneshot task as per swh-scheduler’s db table task_type’s column (Ex: load-git, check-deposit)
next_run – optional date and time from which the task can be executed, use current time otherwise
- Returns:
Expected dictionary for the one-shot task scheduling api (