swh.lister.puppet package#


Module contents#

Puppet lister#

The Puppet lister list origins from Puppet Forge. Puppet Forge is a package manager for Puppet modules.

As of September 2022 Puppet Forge list 6917 package names.

Origins retrieving strategy#

To get a list of all package names we call an http api endpoint which have a getModules endpoint. It returns a paginated list of results and a next url.

The api follow OpenApi 3.0 specifications.

The lister is incremental using with_release_since api argument whose value is an iso date set regarding the last time the lister has been executed, stored as lister.state.last_listing_date.

Page listing#

Each page returns a list of results which are raw data from api response. The results size is 100 as 100 is the maximum limit size allowed by the api.

Origins from page#

The lister yields one hundred origin url per page.

Origin url is the html page corresponding to a package name on the forge, following this pattern:


For each origin last_update is set via the module “updated_at” value. As the api also returns all existing versions for a package, we build an artifacts dict in extra_loader_arguments with the archive tarball corresponding to each existing versions.

Example for file_concat module located at https://forge.puppet.com/modules/electrical/file_concat:

    "artifacts": [
            "url": "https://forgeapi.puppet.com/v3/files/electrical-file_concat-1.0.1.tar.gz",  # noqa: B950
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "filename": "electrical-file_concat-1.0.1.tar.gz",
            "last_update": "2015-04-17T01:03:46-07:00",
            "checksums": {
                "md5": "74901a89544134478c2dfde5efbb7f14",
                "sha256": "15e973613ea038d8a4f60bafe2d678f88f53f3624c02df3157c0043f4a400de6",  # noqa: B950
            "url": "https://forgeapi.puppet.com/v3/files/electrical-file_concat-1.0.0.tar.gz",  # noqa: B950
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "filename": "electrical-file_concat-1.0.0.tar.gz",
            "last_update": "2015-04-09T12:03:13-07:00",
            "checksums": {
                "length": 13289,

Running tests#

Activate the virtualenv and run from within swh-lister directory:

pytest -s -vv --log-cli-level=DEBUG swh/lister/puppet/tests

Testing with Docker#

Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment:

docker compose up -d

Then schedule a Puppet listing task:

docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-puppet

You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service:

docker compose logs -f swh-lister