Docker environment#


$ git clone
$ cd swh-graph
$ docker build --tag swh-graph docker/

docker/ also exists as an alias for the last line.


Given a graph g specified by:

  • g.edges.csv.zst: zstd-compressed CSV file with one edge per line, as a “SRC_ID SPACE DST_ID” string, where identifiers are the SWHIDs of each node.

  • g.nodes.csv.zst: sorted list of unique node identifiers appearing in the corresponding g.edges.csv.zst file. The format is a zst-compressed CSV file (single column) with one persistent identifier per line.

$ docker run -ti \
    --volume /PATH/TO/GRAPH/:/srv/softwareheritage/graph/data \
    --publish \
    swh-graph:latest \

or, as a shortcut:

$ ./docker/ /PATH/TO/GRAPH/

Where /PATH/TO/GRAPH is a directory containing the g.edges.csv.zst and g.nodes.csv.zst files. By default, when entering the container the current working directory will be /srv/softwareheritage/graph; all relative paths found below are intended to be relative to that dir.

Graph compression#

To compress the graph (from within the docker container):

$ ./docker/ /PATH/TO/GRAPH/
root@7f3306806861:/srv/softwareheritage/graph# \
    swh graph compress --input-dataset data/g --output-directory data/compressed

Graph server#

To start the swh-graph server (from within the docker container):

$ ./docker/ /PATH/TO/GRAPH/
root@7f3306806861:/srv/softwareheritage/graph# \
    swh graph rpc-serve --graph data/compressed/g