
The configuration for the Software Heritage Filesystem resides in the swh > fuse section of the shared YAML configuration file used by all Software Heritage tools, located by default at ~/.config/swh/global.yml.

The configuration file location is subject to the XDG Base Directory specification as well as explicitly overridden on the command line via the -C/--config-file flag.

The following sub-sections and fields can be used within the swh > fuse stanza:

  • cache:

    • metadata: where to store the metadata cache, must have either a in-memory boolean entry set to true or a path string entry (with the corresponding disk path).

    • blob: where to store the blob cache, same entries as the metadata cache.

    • direntry: how much memory should be used by the direntry cache, specified using a maxram entry (either as a percentage of available RAM, or with disk storage unit suffixes: B, KB, MB, GB).

  • web-api:

    • url: archive API URL

    • auth-token: authentication token used with the API URL

  • json-indent: number of spaces used to print JSON metadata files (setting it to null disables indentation).

If no configuration is given, default values are:

  • cache: all cache files are stored in $XDG_CACHE_HOME/swh/fuse/ (or ~/.cache/swh/fuse if XDG_CACHE_HOME is not set). The direntry cache will use at most 10% of available RAM.

  • web-api: URL is, with no authentication token

  • json-indent: 2 spaces.


Here is a full ~/.config/swh/global.yml example, showcasing different cache storage strategies (in-memory for metadata, on-disk for blob, 20% RAM for direntry), using the default Web API service:

        in-memory: true
        path: "/path/to/cache/blob.sqlite"
        maxram: 20%
      url: ""
      auth-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJhMTMxYTQ1My1hM2IyLTQwMTUtO...


The default logging level is set to INFO and can be configured through the shared command line interface via the -l/--log-level flag.

$ swh --log-level swh.fuse:DEBUG fs mount swhfs/