swh.objstorage.api.client module#

class swh.objstorage.api.client.RemoteObjStorage(url: str, timeout: None | Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | float = None, chunk_size: int = 4096, max_retries: int = 3, pool_connections: int = 20, pool_maxsize: int = 100, adapter_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, api_exception: Type[Exception] | None = None, reraise_exceptions: List[Type[Exception]] | None = None, enable_requests_retry: bool | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: RPCClient

Proxy to a remote object storage.

This class allows to connect to an object storage server via http protocol.


The url of the server to connect. Must end with a ‘/’




The session to send requests.

PRIMARY_HASH: Literal['sha1', 'sha256'] = 'sha1'#

alias of ObjStorageAPIError

reraise_exceptions: List[Type[Exception]] = [<class 'swh.objstorage.exc.ObjNotFoundError'>, <class 'swh.objstorage.exc.Error'>, <class 'swh.objstorage.exc.ObjCorruptedError'>, <class 'swh.objstorage.exc.NoBackendsLeftError'>, <class 'PermissionError'>]#

On server errors, if any of the exception classes in this list has the same name as the error name, then the exception will be instantiated and raised instead of a generic RemoteException.


alias of ObjStorageInterface

name: str = 'remote'#
restore(content: bytes, obj_id: ObjId) None[source]#
list_content(last_obj_id: ObjId | None = None, limit: int | None = 10000) Iterator[ObjId][source]#
add(content: bytes, obj_id: ObjId, check_presence: bool = True) None#

Add a new object to the object storage.

  • content – object’s raw content to add in storage.

  • obj_id – either dict of checksums, or single checksum of [bytes] using [ID_HASH_ALGO] algorithm. It is trusted to match the bytes.

  • check_presence (bool) – indicate if the presence of the content should be verified before adding the file.


the id (bytes) of the object into the storage.

add_batch(contents: Iterable[Tuple[ObjId, bytes]], check_presence: bool = True) Dict#

Add a batch of new objects to the object storage.


contents – list of pairs of composite object ids and object contents


the summary of objects added to the storage (count of object, count of bytes object)

check(obj_id: ObjId) None#

Perform an integrity check for a given object.

Verify that the file object is in place and that the content matches the object id.


obj_id – object identifier.

check_config(*, check_write)#

Check whether the object storage is properly configured.

  • check_write (bool) – if True, check if writes to the object storage

  • succeed. (can)


True if the configuration check worked, False if ‘check_write’ is True and the object storage is actually read only, and an exception if the check failed.

delete(obj_id: ObjId)#

Delete an object.


obj_id – object identifier.


ObjNotFoundError – if the requested object is missing.

download_url(obj_id: ObjId, content_disposition: str | None = None, expiry: timedelta | None = None) str | None#

Get a direct download link for the object if the obstorage backend supports such feature.

Some objstorage backends, typically cloud based ones like azure or s3, can provide a direct download link for a stored object.

  • obj_id – object identifier

  • content_disposition – set Content-Disposition header for the generated URL response if the objstorage backend supports it

  • expiry – the duration after which the URL expires if the objstorage backend supports it, if not provided the URL expires 24 hours after its creation


Direct download URL for the object or None if the objstorage backend does

not support such feature.

get(obj_id: ObjId) bytes#

Retrieve the content of a given object.


obj_id – object id.


the content of the requested object as bytes.


ObjNotFoundError – if the requested object is missing.

get_batch(obj_ids: Iterable[ObjId]) Iterator[bytes | None]#

Retrieve objects’ raw content in bulk from storage.

Note: This function does have a default implementation in ObjStorage that is suitable for most cases.

For object storages that needs to do the minimal number of requests possible (ex: remote object storages), that method can be overridden to perform a more efficient operation.


obj_ids – list of object ids.


list of resulting contents, or None if the content could not be retrieved. Do not raise any exception as a fail for one content will not cancel the whole request.