swh.web.client.client module#

Python client for the Software Heritage Web API

Light wrapper around requests for the archive API, taking care of data conversions and pagination.

from swh.web.client.client import WebAPIClient
cli = WebAPIClient()

# retrieve any archived object via its SWHID

# same, but for specific object types

# get() always retrieve entire objects, following pagination
# WARNING: this might *not* be what you want for large objects

# type-specific methods support explicit iteration through pages
swh.web.client.client.typify_json(data: Any, obj_type: str) Any[source]#

Type API responses using pythonic types where appropriate

The following conversions are performed:

  • identifiers are converted from strings to SWHID instances

  • timestamps are converted from strings to datetime.datetime objects

class swh.web.client.client.WebAPIClient(api_url: str = 'https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1', bearer_token: str | None = None, request_retry=10, retry_status={429}, use_rate_limit: bool = True, automatic_concurrent_queries: bool = True, max_automatic_concurrency: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Client for the Software Heritage archive Web API, see https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/

Create a client for the Software Heritage Web API

See: https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/

  • api_url – base URL for API calls

  • bearer_token – optional bearer token to do authenticated API calls

  • use_rate_limit – enable or disable request pacing according to server rate limit information.

  • automatic_concurrent_queries – if True, some large requests that need to be chunked might automatically be issued in parallel

  • max_automatic_concurrency – maximum number of concurrent requests when automatic_concurrent_queries is set

With rate limiting enabled (the default), the client will adjust its request rate if the server provides Rate limiting headers.

The rate limiting will pace out the available requests evenly in the rate limit windows. (except for a small initial budget as explained below)

For example, if there is 600 request remaining for a windows that reset in 5 minutes (300 second), a request will be issuable every 0.5 seconds.

This pace will be enforced overall, allowing for period of inactivity between faster spike.

For example (using the same number as above):

  • A client that tries to issue requests continuously will have to wait 0.5 second between each requests.

  • A client that did not issue requests for 1 minutes (60 seconds) will be able to issue 120 requests right away (60 / 0.5) before having to wait 0.5 second between requests.

The above is true regardless of the number of threads using the same WebAPIClient.

In practice, to avoid slowing down small application doing few requests, 10% of the available budget is available immediately, the other 90% of the requests being spread out over the rate limit window.o

This initial “immediate” budget is only granted if at least 25% of the total request budget is available.

property rate_limit_delay#

current rate limit delay in second

get(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Any[source]#

Retrieve information about an object of any kind

Dispatcher method over the more specific methods content(), directory(), etc.

Note that this method will buffer the entire output in case of long, iterable output (e.g., for snapshot()), see the iter() method for streaming.

iter(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Iterator[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Stream over the information about an object of any kind

Streaming variant of get()

content(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Retrieve information about a content object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

directory(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Retrieve information about a directory object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

revision(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Retrieve information about a revision object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

release(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Retrieve information about a release object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

snapshot(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Iterator[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Retrieve information about a snapshot object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


an iterator over partial snapshots (dictionaries mapping branch names to information about where they point to), each containing a subset of available branches


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

visits(origin: str, per_page: int | None = None, last_visit: int | None = None, typify: bool = True, **req_args) Iterator[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

List visits of an origin

  • origin – the URL of a software origin

  • per_page – the number of visits to list

  • last_visit – visit to start listing from

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


an iterator over visits of the origin


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

last_visit(origin: str, typify: bool = True) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Return the last visit of an origin.

  • origin – the URL of a software origin

  • typify – if True, convert return value to pythonic types wherever possible, otherwise return raw JSON types (default: True)


The last visit for that origin


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

known(swhids: Iterable[CoreSWHID | str], **req_args) Dict[CoreSWHID, Dict[Any, Any]][source]#

Verify the presence in the archive of several objects at once


swhids – SWHIDs of the objects to verify


a dictionary mapping object SWHIDs to archive information about them; the dictionary includes a “known” key associated to a boolean value that is true if and only if the object is known to the archive


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

content_exists(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if a content object exists in the archive

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

directory_exists(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if a directory object exists in the archive

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

revision_exists(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if a revision object exists in the archive

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

release_exists(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if a release object exists in the archive

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

snapshot_exists(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if a snapshot object exists in the archive

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

origin_exists(origin: str, **req_args) bool[source]#

Check if an origin object exists in the archive

  • origin – the URL of a software origin

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.head()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

content_raw(swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) Iterator[bytes][source]#

Iterate over the raw content of a content object

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

List origin search results

  • query – search keywords

  • limit – the maximum number of found origins to return

  • with_visit – if true, only return origins with at least one visit


an iterator over search results


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

origin_save(visit_type: str, origin: str) Dict[source]#

Save code now query for the origin with visit_type.

  • visit_type – Type of the visit

  • origin – the origin to save


The resulting dict of the visit saved


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

get_origin(swhid: CoreSWHID) Any | None[source]#

Walk the compressed graph to discover the origin of a given swhid

This method exist for the swh-scanner and is likely to change significantly and/or be replaced, we do not recommend using it.

cooking_request(bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID | str, email: str | None = None, **req_args) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Request a cooking of a bundle

  • bundle_type – Type of the bundle

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • email – e-mail to notify when the archive is ready

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.post()


fetch_url (string): the url from which to download the archive progress_message (string): message describing the cooking task progress id (number): the cooking task id status (string): the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed) swhid (string): the identifier of the object to cook

Return type:

an object containing the following keys


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

cooking_check(bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Check the status of a cooking task

  • bundle_type – Type of the bundle

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


fetch_url (string): the url from which to download the archive progress_message (string): message describing the cooking task progress id (number): the cooking task id status (string): the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed) swhid (string): the identifier of the object to cook

Return type:

an object containing the following keys


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails

cooking_fetch(bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID | str, **req_args) Response[source]#

Fetch the archive of a cooking task

  • bundle_type – Type of the bundle

  • swhid – object persistent identifier

  • req_args – extra keyword arguments for requests.get()


a requests.models.Response object containing a stream of the archive


requests.HTTPError – if HTTP request fails