swh.journal.serializers module#
- class swh.journal.serializers.MsgpackExtTypeCodes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- LONG_INT = 1#
- swh.journal.serializers.stringify_key_item(k: str, v: str | bytes) str [source]#
Turn the item of a dict key into a string
- swh.journal.serializers.pprint_key(key: Dict[str, str] | Dict[str, bytes] | bytes) str [source]#
Pretty-print a kafka key
- swh.journal.serializers.key_to_kafka(key: Dict[str, str] | Dict[str, bytes] | bytes) bytes [source]#
Serialize a key, possibly a dict, in a predictable way
- swh.journal.serializers.kafka_to_key(kafka_key: bytes) Dict[str, str] | Dict[str, bytes] | bytes [source]#
Deserialize a key
- swh.journal.serializers.value_to_kafka(value: Any) bytes [source]#
Serialize some data for storage in kafka