swh.deposit.api.collection module#
- class swh.deposit.api.collection.CollectionAPI[source]#
Deposit request class defining api endpoints for sword deposit.
What’s known as ‘Col-IRI’ in the sword specification.
HTTP verbs supported: GET and POST
Constructor. Called in the URLconf; can contain helpful extra keyword arguments, and other things.
- parser_classes = (<class 'swh.deposit.parsers.SWHMultiPartParser'>, <class 'swh.deposit.parsers.SWHFileUploadZipParser'>, <class 'swh.deposit.parsers.SWHFileUploadTarParser'>, <class 'swh.deposit.parsers.SWHAtomEntryParser'>)#
- serializer_class#
alias of
- pagination_class#
alias of
- get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
List the user’s collection if the user has access to said collection.
- get_queryset()[source]#
List the deposits for the authenticated user (pagination is handled by the pagination_class class attribute).
- process_post(req, headers: ParsedRequestHeaders, collection_name: str, deposit: Deposit | None = None) Tuple[int, str, Receipt] [source]#
Create a first deposit as: - archive deposit (1 zip) - multipart (1 zip + 1 atom entry) - atom entry
- Parameters:
- Returns:
An http response (HttpResponse) according to the situation.
If everything is ok, a 201 response (created) with a deposit receipt.
- Raises:
- archive deposit –
400 (bad request) if the request is not providing an external identifier - 403 (forbidden) if the length of the archive exceeds the max size configured - 412 (precondition failed) if the length or hash provided mismatch the reality of the archive. - 415 (unsupported media type) if a wrong media type is provided
- multipart deposit –
400 (bad request) if the request is not providing an external identifier - 412 (precondition failed) if the potentially md5 hash provided mismatch the reality of the archive - 415 (unsupported media type) if a wrong media type is provided
- Atom entry deposit –
400 (bad request) if the request is not providing an external identifier - 400 (bad request) if the request’s body is empty - 415 (unsupported media type) if a wrong media type is provided