Graph Querying HTTP API#

The Graph Querying API is a high-level HTTP API intended to run common, relatively simple traversal queries on the compressed graph.

The client/server architecture allows it to only load the graph in memory once then serve multiple different requests. However, it is limited in expressivity; more complex or resource-intensive queries should rather use the Low-level Java API to run them as standalone programs.


This API uses the following notions:

  • Node: a node in the Software Heritage graph, represented by a SWHID.

  • Node type: the 3-letter specifier from the node SWHID (cnt, dir, rel, rev, snp, ori), or * for all node types.

  • Edge type: a pair src:dst where src and dst are either node types, or * to denote all node types.

  • Edge restrictions: a textual specification of which edges can be followed during graph traversal. Either * to denote that all edges can be followed or a comma separated list of edge types to allow following only those edges.

    Note that when traversing the backward (i.e., transposed) graph, edge types are reversed too. So, for instance, ori:snp makes sense when traversing the forward graph, but useless (due to lack of matching edges in the graph) when traversing the backward graph; conversely snp:ori is useful when traversing the backward graph, but not in the forward one. For the same reason dir:dir allows following edges from parent directories to sub-directories when traversing the forward graph, but the same restriction allows following edges from sub-directories to parent directories.

  • Node restrictions: a textual specification of which type of nodes can be returned after a request. Either * to denote that all types of nodes can be returned or a comma separated list of node types to allow returning only those node types.


  • swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 the SWHID of a node of type content containing the full text of the GPL3 license.

  • swh:1:rev:f39d7d78b70e0f39facb1e4fab77ad3df5c52a35 the SWHID of a node of type revision corresponding to the commit in Linux that merged the ‘x86/urgent’ branch on 31 December 2017.

  • "dir:dir,dir:cnt" node types allowing edges from directories to directories nodes, or directories to contents nodes.

  • "rev:rev,dir:*" node types allowing edges from revisions to revisions nodes, or from directories nodes.

  • "*:rel" node types allowing all edges to releases.

  • "cnt,snp" accepted node types returned in the query results.



GET /graph/leaves/:src#

Performs a graph traversal and returns the leaves of the subgraph rooted at the specified source node.

  • src (string) – source node specified as a SWHID

Query Parameters:
  • edges (string) – edges types the traversal can follow; default to "*"

  • direction (string) – direction in which graph edges will be followed; can be either forward or backward, default to forward

  • max_edges (integer) – how many edges can be traversed during the visit; default to 0 (not restricted)

  • return_types (string) – only return the nodes matching this type; default to "*"

  • max_matching_nodes (integer) – how many results to return before stopping; default to 0 (not restricted)

Status Codes:


GET /graph/leaves/swh:1:dir:432d1b21c1256f7408a07c577b6974bbdbcc1323 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
HTTP/1.1 200 OK



GET /graph/neighbors/:src#

Returns node direct neighbors (linked with exactly one edge) in the graph.

  • src (string) – source node specified as a SWHID

Query Parameters:
  • edges (string) – edges types allowed to be listed as neighbors; default to "*"

  • direction (string) – direction in which graph edges will be followed; can be either forward or backward, default to forward

  • max_edges (integer) – how many edges can be traversed during the visit; default to 0 (not restricted)

  • return_types (string) – only return the nodes matching this type; default to "*"

Status Codes:


GET /graph/neighbors/swh:1:rev:f39d7d78b70e0f39facb1e4fab77ad3df5c52a35 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
HTTP/1.1 200 OK




GET /graph/visit/nodes/:src#
GET /graph/visit/edges/:src#

Performs a graph traversal and returns explored nodes, edges or paths (in the order of the traversal).

  • src (string) – starting node specified as a SWHID

Query Parameters:
  • edges (string) – edges types the traversal can follow; default to "*"

  • max_edges (integer) – how many edges can be traversed during the visit; default to 0 (not restricted)

  • return_types (string) – only return the nodes matching this type; default to "*"

  • max_matching_nodes (integer) – how many nodes to return/visit before stopping; default to 0 (not restricted)

Status Codes:


GET /graph/visit/nodes/swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
HTTP/1.1 200 OK



GET /graph/visit/edges/swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:61f92a7db95f5a6d1fcb94d2b897ed3797584d7b
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:00e81c89c29ff3e58745fdaf7abb68daa1389e85
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:7596fdc31c9aa00aed281ccb026a74cabf2383bb
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:ec7a2341ac3d9d8b571bbdfb90a089d4e54dea56
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:1c5b5eac61eda2454034a43eb124ab490885ef3a
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:4dfa88ca55e04e8afe05e8543ddddee32dde7236
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:d56ae79e43ff1b37534370911c8a78ec7f38d437
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:19ba5d6203a040a39ecc4a77b165d3f097c1e662
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:9c56102eefea23c95405533e1de23da4b873ecc4
swh:1:snp:40f9f177b8ab0b7b3d70ee14bbc8b214e2b2dcfc swh:1:rev:3f54e816b46c2e179cd164e17fea93b3013a9db4

Counting results#

The following method variants, with trailing /count added, behave like their already discussed counterparts but, instead of returning results, return the amount of results that would have been returned:

GET /graph/leaves/count/:src#

Return the amount of GET /graph/leaves/:src results

GET /graph/neighbors/count/:src#

Return the amount of GET /graph/neighbors/:src results

GET /graph/visit/nodes/count/:src#

Return the amount of GET /graph/visit/nodes/:src results


GET /graph/stats#

Returns statistics on the compressed graph.

Status Codes:


GET /graph/stats HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "counts": {
        "nodes": 16222788,
        "edges": 9907464
    "ratios": {
        "compression": 0.367,
        "bits_per_node": 5.846,
        "bits_per_edge": 9.573,
        "avg_locality": 270.369
    "indegree": {
        "min": 0,
        "max": 12382,
        "avg": 0.6107127825377487
    "outdegree": {
        "min": 0,
        "max": 1,
        "avg": 0.6107127825377487

Use-case examples#

This section showcases how to leverage the endpoints of the HTTP API described above for some common use-cases.


The following use cases require traversing the forward graph.

  • ls: given a directory node, list (non recursively) all linked nodes of type directory and content


  • git log: given a revision node, recursively list all linked nodes of type revision




The following use cases require traversing the forward graph.

  • tarball (same as ls -R above)

  • git bundle: given a node, recursively list all linked nodes of any kind




The following use cases require traversing the backward (transposed) graph.

  • commit provenance: given a content or directory node, return a commit whose directory (recursively) contains it


  • complete commit provenance: given a content or directory node, return all commits whose directory (recursively) contains it


  • origin provenance: given a content, directory, or commit node, return an origin that has at least one snapshot that (recursively) contains it


  • complete origin provenance: given a content, directory, or commit node, return all origins that have at least one snapshot that (recursively) contains it



Provenance statistics#

The following use cases require traversing the backward (transposed) graph.

  • content popularity across commits: count the number of commits (or commit popularity) that link to a directory that (recursively) includes a given content.


  • commit popularity across origins: count the number of origins (or origin popularity) that have a snapshot that (recursively) includes a given commit.



The following use cases require traversing the forward graph.

  • revision size (as n. of contents) distribution: the number of contents that are (recursively) reachable from a given revision.


  • origin size (as n. of revisions) distribution: count the number of revisions that are (recursively) reachable from a given origin.

