Software Heritage - Datastore Scrubber#

Tools to periodically checks data integrity in swh-storage, swh-objstorage and swh-journal, reports errors, and (try to) fix them.

The Scrubber package is made of the following parts:


Highly parallel processes continuously read objects from a data store, compute checksums, and write any failure in a database, along with the data of the corrupt object.

There is one “checker” for each datastore package: storage (postgresql and cassandra), journal (kafka), and object storage (any backends).

The journal is “crawled” using its native streaming; others are crawled by range, reusing swh-storage’s backfiller utilities, and checkpointed from time to time to the scrubber’s database (in the checked_range table).


For the storage checker, a checking configuration must be created before being able to spawn a number of checkers.

A new configuration is created using the swh scrubber check init tool:

$ swh scrubber check init storage --object-type snapshot --nb-partitions 65536 --name chk-snp
Created configuration chk-snp [2] for checking snapshot in datastore storage postgresql


A configuration file is expected, as for most swh tools. This file must have a scrubber section with the configuration of the scrubber database. For storage checking operations, this configuration file must also have a storage configuration section. See the swh-storage documentation for more details on this. A typical configuration file could look like:

  cls: postgresql
  db: postgresql://localhost/postgres?host=/tmp/tmpk9b4wkb5&port=9824

  cls: postgresql
  db: service=swh
    cls: noop


The configuration section scrubber_db has been renamed as scrubber in swh-scrubber version 2.0.0

One (or more) checking worker can then be spawned by using the swh scrubber check run command:

$ swh scrubber check run chk-snp

Object storage#

As with the storage checker, a checking configuration must be created before being able to spawn a number of checkers.

A new configuration is created using the swh scrubber check init tool:

$ swh scrubber check init objstorage --object-type content --nb-partitions 65536 --name check-contents
Created configuration check-contents [3] for checking content in datastore objstorage remote


A configuration file is expected, as for most swh tools. This file must have a scrubber section with the configuration of the scrubber database. For object storage checking operations, this configuration file must have:

  • a storage configuration section if content ids are read from it (default)

  • a journal configuration section if content ids are read from a kafka content topic (require to use flag --use-journal of the swh scrubber check run command)

  • an objstorage configuration section targeting the object storage to check

See the swh-storage documentation, swh-objstorage documentation and swh-journal documentation for more details on this. A typical configuration file could look like:

  cls: postgresql
  db: postgresql://localhost/postgres?host=/tmp/tmpk9b4wkb5&port=9824

  cls: postgresql
  db: service=swh
    cls: noop

   cls: kafka
   group_id: swh.scrubber
   prefix: swh.journal.objects
   on_eof: stop

  cls: remote

By default, an object storage checker detects missing and corrupted contents. To disable detection of missing contents, use the --no-check-references option of the swh check init command. To disable detection of corrupted contents, use the --no-check-hashes option of the swh check init command.

One (or more) checking worker can then be spawned by using the swh scrubber check run command:

  • if the content ids must be read from a storage instance

$ swh scrubber check run check-contents
  • if the content ids must be read from a kafka content topic of swh-journal

$ swh scrubber check run check-contents --use-journal


As with the other checkers, a checking configuration must be created before being able to spawn a number of checkers.

A new configuration is created using the swh scrubber check init tool:

$ swh scrubber check init journal --object-type directory --name check-dirs-journal
Created configuration check-dirs-journal [4] for checking directory in datastore journal kafka


A configuration file is expected, as for most swh tools. This file must have a scrubber section with the configuration of the scrubber database. For journal checking operations, this configuration file must also have a journal configuration section.

See the swh-journal documentation for more details on this. A typical configuration file could look like:

  cls: postgresql
  db: postgresql://localhost/postgres?host=/tmp/tmpk9b4wkb5&port=9824

   cls: kafka
   group_id: swh.scrubber
   prefix: swh.journal.objects
   on_eof: stop

One (or more) checking worker can then be spawned by using the swh scrubber check run command:

$ swh scrubber check run check-dirs-journal


Then, from time to time, jobs go through the list of known corrupt objects, and try to recover the original objects, through various means:

  • Brute-forcing variations until they match their checksum

  • Recovering from another data store

  • As a last resort, recovering from known origins, if any


Finally, when an original object is recovered, it is reinjected in the original data store, replacing the corrupt one.