Software Heritage - Data model#
Implementation of the Data model of the Software Heritage project, used to archive source code artifacts.
This module defines the notion of SoftWare Hash persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs) and provides tools to compute them:
$ swh-identify fork.c kmod.c sched/deadline.c
swh:1:cnt:2e391c754ae730bd2d8520c2ab497c403220c6e3 fork.c
swh:1:cnt:0277d1216f80ae1adeed84a686ed34c9b2931fc2 kmod.c
swh:1:cnt:57b939c81bce5d06fa587df8915f05affbe22b82 sched/deadline.c
$ swh-identify --no-filename /usr/src/linux/kernel/
- Data model
- SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs)
- Command-line interface
- swh.model package
- swh.model.fields package
- swh.model.cli module
- swh.model.collections module
- swh.model.discovery module
- swh.model.exceptions module
- swh.model.from_disk module
- swh.model.git_objects module
- swh.model.hashutil module
- swh.model.hypothesis_strategies module
- swh.model.merkle module
- swh.model.model module
- swh.model.swhids module
- swh.model.toposort module
- swh.model.validators module