The metadata-only deposit#


A client may wish to deposit only metadata about an origin or object already present in the Software Heritage archive.

The metadata-only deposit is a special deposit where no content is provided and the data transferred to Software Heritage is only the metadata about an object in the archive.


  1. Create a metadata-only deposit through a POST request

  2. It is composed of ONLY one Atom XML document

  3. It MUST comply with the metadata requirements

  4. It MUST reference an object or an origin in a deposit tag

  5. The reference SHOULD exist in the SWH archive

  6. The object reference MUST be a SWHID on one of the following artifact types: - origin - snapshot - release - revision - directory - content

  7. The SWHID MAY be a core identifier with or without qualifiers

  8. The SWHID MUST NOT reference a fragment of code with the classifier lines

A complete metadata example#

The reference element is included in the metadata xml atomEntry under the swh namespace:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns=""
  <codemeta:name>The assignment problem</codemeta:name>
  <codemeta:identifier>other identifier, DOI, ARK</codemeta:identifier>
      <swh:origin url=''/>


The metadata reference can be either on: - an origin - a graph object (core SWHID with or without qualifiers)


The metadata may be on an origin, identified by the origin’s URL:

    <swh:origin url="" />

Graph objects#

It may also reference an object in the SWH graph: contents, directories, revisions, releases, and snapshots:

    <swh:object swhid="swh:1:dir:31b5c8cc985d190b5a7ef4878128ebfdc2358f49" />
    <swh:object swhid="swh:1:dir:31b5c8cc985d190b5a7ef4878128ebfdc2358f49;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:4fc1e36fca86b2070204bedd51106014a614f321;anchor=swh:1:rev:9c5de20cfb54682370a398fcc733e829903c8cba;path=/moranegg-AffectationRO-df7f68b/" />

The value of the swhid attribute must be a SWHID, with any context qualifiers in this list:

  • origin

  • visit

  • anchor

  • path

and they should be provided whenever relevant, especially origin.

Other qualifiers are not allowed (for example, line isn’t because SWH cannot store metadata at a finer level than entire contents).

Loading procedure#

In this case, the metadata-deposit will be injected as a metadata entry of the relevant object, with the information about the contributor of the deposit.