swh-web API URLs#


GET /api/1/content/known/(sha1)[,(sha1), ...,(sha1)]/#

Check whether some content(s) (aka “blob(s)”) is present in the archive based on its sha1 checksum.

  • sha1 (string) – hexadecimal representation of the sha1 checksum value for the content to check existence. Multiple values can be provided separated by ‘,’.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • search_res (array) – array holding the search result for each provided sha1

  • search_stats (object) – some statistics regarding the number of sha1 provided and the percentage of those found in the archive

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/#

Get information about a content (aka a “blob”) object. In the archive, a content object is identified based on checksum values computed using various hashing algorithms.

  • hash_type (string) – optional parameter specifying which hashing algorithm has been used to compute the content checksum. It can be either sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. If that parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the hashing algorithm used is sha1.

  • hash (string) – hexadecimal representation of the checksum value computed with the specified hashing algorithm.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/raw/#

Get the raw content of a content object (aka a “blob”), as a byte sequence.

  • hash_type (string) – optional parameter specifying which hashing algorithm has been used to compute the content checksum. It can be either sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. If that parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the hashing algorithm used is sha1.

  • hash (string) – hexadecimal representation of the checksum value computed with the specified hashing algorithm.

Query Parameters:
  • filename (string) – if provided, the downloaded content will get that filename

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/filetype/#

Get information about the detected MIME type of a content object.

  • hash_type (string) – optional parameter specifying which hashing algorithm has been used to compute the content checksum. It can be either sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. If that parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the hashing algorithm used is sha1.

  • hash (string) – hexadecimal representation of the checksum value computed with the specified hashing algorithm.

Response JSON Object:
  • content_url (object) – link to GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/ for getting information about the content

  • encoding (string) – the detected content encoding

  • id (string) – the sha1 identifier of the content

  • mimetype (string) – the detected MIME type of the content

  • tool (object) – information about the tool used to detect the content filetype

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/language/#

Get information about the programming language used in a content object.

Note: this endpoint currently returns no data.

  • hash_type (string) – optional parameter specifying which hashing algorithm has been used to compute the content checksum. It can be either sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. If that parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the hashing algorithm used is sha1.

  • hash (string) – hexadecimal representation of the checksum value computed with the specified hashing algorithm.

Response JSON Object:
  • content_url (object) – link to GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/ for getting information about the content

  • id (string) – the sha1 identifier of the content

  • lang (string) – the detected programming language if any

  • tool (object) – information about the tool used to detect the programming language

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/license/#

Get information about the license of a content object.

  • hash_type (string) – optional parameter specifying which hashing algorithm has been used to compute the content checksum. It can be either sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. If that parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the hashing algorithm used is sha1.

  • hash (string) – hexadecimal representation of the checksum value computed with the specified hashing algorithm.

Response JSON Object:
  • content_url (object) – link to GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/ for getting information about the content

  • id (string) – the sha1 identifier of the content

  • licenses (array) – array of strings containing the detected license names

  • tool (object) – information about the tool used to detect the license

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:




GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/]#

Get information about directory objects. Directories are identified by sha1 checksums, compatible with Git directory identifiers. See swh.model.git_objects.directory_git_object() in our data model module for details about how they are computed.

When given only a directory identifier, this endpoint returns information about the directory itself, returning its content (usually a list of directory entries). When given a directory identifier and a path, this endpoint returns information about the directory entry pointed by the relative path, starting path resolution from the given directory.

  • sha1_git (string) – hexadecimal representation of the directory sha1_git identifier

  • path (string) – optional parameter to get information about the directory entry pointed by that relative path

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • checksums (object) – object holding the computed checksum values for a directory entry (only for file entries)

  • dir_id (string) – sha1_git identifier of the requested directory

  • length (number) – length of a directory entry in bytes (only for file entries) for getting information about the content MIME type

  • name (string) – the directory entry name

  • perms (number) – permissions for the directory entry

  • target (string) – sha1_git identifier of the directory entry

  • target_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/content/[(hash_type):](hash)/ or GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/] depending on the directory entry type

  • type (string) – the type of the directory entry, can be either dir, file or rev

Status Codes:



External IDentifiers#

GET /api/1/extid/(extid_type)/(extid_format):(extid)/#

Get information about an external identifier.

An external identifier is used by a system that does not fit the Software Heritage data model.

As an external identifier is stored in binary into the archive database, the format used to decode its ASCII representation must be explicitly specified. The available formats are the following:

  • base64url: the external identifier is encoded to base64url.

  • hex: the external identifier is a checksum in hexadecimal representation

  • raw: the external identifier is an ASCII string

The types of external identifier that can be requested are given below.

VCS related:

  • bzr-nodeid: Revision ASCII identifier of a Bazaar repository, to get such identifiers use the following command in your Bazaar repository: bzr log --show-ids.

  • hg-nodeid: Node hash identifier for the revision of a Mercurial repository, to get such identifier execute the following command in your Mercurial repository: hg id -r <rev_num> --template '{node}'.

Guix and Nix related (must be queried with the extid_version query parameter set to 1 to ensure correctness):

  • nar-sha256: sha256 checksum of a Nix Archive (NAR), used to deterministically identifies the contents of a source tree (corresponds to recursive hash mode used by Guix and Nix)

  • checksum-sha256: sha256 checksum of a file, typically a tarball (corresponds to flat hash mode used by Guix and Nix)

  • checksum-sha512: sha512 checksum of a file, typically a tarball (corresponds to flat hash mode used by Guix and Nix)

  • extid_type (string) – the type of external identifier

  • extid_format (string) – the format used to encode the extid to an ASCII string, either base64url, hex or raw

  • extid (string) – the external identifier value

Query Parameters:
  • extid_version (number) – optional version number of external identifier type

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • extid_type (string) – the type of the external identifier

  • extid (string) – the value of the external identifier

  • target (string) – the SWHID of the archived object targeted by the external identifier

  • target_url (string) – URL to browse the targeted archived object

  • extid_version (number) – the version of the external identifier

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/extid/target/(swhid)/#

Get information about external identifiers targeting an archived object.

An external identifier is used by a system that does not fit the Software Heritage data model.

  • swhid (string) – a SWHID to check if external identifiers target it

Query Parameters:
  • extid_type (string) – optional external identifier type to use as a filter, must be provided if extid_version parameter is.

  • extid_version (number) – optional version number of external identifier type, must be provided if extid_type parameter is.

  • extid_format (string) – the format used to encode an extid to an ASCII string, either base64url, hex or raw (default to hex).

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • extid_type (string) – the type of the external identifier

  • extid (string) – the value of the external identifier

  • target (string) – the SWHID of the archived object targeted by the external identifier

  • target_url (string) – URL to browse the targeted archived object

  • extid_version (number) – the version of the external identifier

Status Codes:




GET /api/1/graph/(graph_query)/#

Provide fast access to the graph representation of the Software Heritage archive.

That endpoint acts as a proxy for the Software Heritage Graph service.

It provides fast access to the graph representation of the Software Heritage archive.

For more details please refer to the Graph RPC API documentation.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to be able to request it.

  • graph_query (string) – query to forward to the Software Heritage Graph archive (see its documentation)

Query Parameters:
  • resolve_origins (boolean) – extra parameter defined by that proxy enabling to resolve origin urls from their sha1 representations

Status Codes:



SWHIDs (SoftWare Hash IDentifiers)#

GET /api/1/resolve/(swhid)/#

Resolve a SoftWare Hash IDentifier (SWHID)

Try to resolve a provided SoftWare Hash IDentifier into an url for browsing the pointed archive object.

If the provided identifier is valid, the existence of the object in the archive will also be checked.

  • swhid (string) – a SoftWare Hash IDentifier

Response JSON Object:
  • browse_url (string) – the url for browsing the pointed object

  • metadata (object) – object holding optional parts of the SWHID

  • namespace (string) – the SWHID namespace

  • object_id (string) – the hash identifier of the pointed object

  • object_type (string) – the type of the pointed object

  • scheme_version (number) – the scheme version of the SWHID

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


POST /api/1/known/#

Check if a list of objects are present in the Software Heritage archive.

The objects to check existence must be provided using SoftWare Hash IDentifiers.

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • - (string) – input array of SWHIDs, its length cannot exceed 1000.

Response JSON Object:
  • <swhid> (object) –

    an object whose keys are input SWHIDs and values objects with the following keys:

    • known (bool): whether the object was found

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /api/1/raw/(swhid)/#

Get the object corresponding to the SWHID in raw form.

This endpoint exposes the internal representation (see the *_git_object functions in swh.model.git_objects), and so can be used to fetch a binary blob which hashes to the same identifier.

  • swhid (string) – the object’s SWHID

Response Headers:
Status Codes:




GET /api/1/origins/#

Get list of archived software origins.


This endpoint used to provide an origin_from query parameter, and guarantee an order on results. This is no longer true, and only the Link header should be used for paginating through results.

Query Parameters:
  • origin_count (int) – The maximum number of origins to return (default to 100, cannot exceed 10000)

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin

  • url (string) – the origin canonical url

  • metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/ to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)

  • has_visits (boolean) – indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full visit of the origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/get/#

Get information about a software origin.

  • origin_url (string) – the origin url

Response JSON Object:
  • origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin

  • url (string) – the origin canonical url

  • metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/ to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)

  • has_visits (boolean) – indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full visit of the origin

  • visit_types (array) – set of visit types for that origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/origin/search/(url_pattern)/#

Search for software origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The search is performed in a case insensitive way.


This endpoint used to provide an offset query parameter, and guarantee an order on results. This is no longer true, and only the Link header should be used for paginating through results.

  • url_pattern (string) – a string pattern

Query Parameters:
  • use_ql (boolean) – whether to use swh search query language or not

  • limit (int) – the maximum number of found origins to return (bounded to 1000)

  • with_visit (boolean) – if true, only return origins with at least one visit by Software heritage

  • visit_type (string) – if provided, only return origins with that specific visit type (currently the supported types are ???)

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin

  • url (string) – the origin canonical url

  • metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/ to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)

  • has_visits (boolean) – indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full visit of the origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visits/#

Get information about all visits of a software origin. Visits are returned sorted in descending order according to their date.

  • origin_url (str) – a software origin URL

Query Parameters:
  • per_page (int) – specify the number of visits to list, for pagination purposes

  • last_visit (int) – visit to start listing from, for pagination purposes

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)

  • origin (str) – the origin canonical url

  • origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin

  • snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • snapshot_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/ in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)

  • type (string) – visit type for the origin

  • visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit

  • id (number) – the unique identifier of the origin

  • origin_visit_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/(visit_id)/ in order to get information about the visit

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/(visit_id)/#

Get information about a specific visit of a software origin.

  • origin_url (str) – a software origin URL

  • visit_id (int) – a visit identifier

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)

  • origin (str) – the origin canonical url

  • origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin

  • snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • snapshot_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/ in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)

  • type (string) – visit type for the origin

  • visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive


GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/latest/#

Get information about the latest visit of a software origin.

  • origin_url (str) – a software origin URL

Query Parameters:
  • require_snapshot (boolean) – if true, only return a visit with a snapshot

  • visit_type (str) – if provided, filter visits by type

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)

  • origin (str) – the origin canonical url

  • origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin

  • snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • snapshot_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/ in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).

  • status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)

  • type (string) – visit type for the origin

  • visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive


GET /api/1/origin/metadata-search/#

Search for software origins whose metadata (expressed as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary) match the provided criteria. For now, only full-text search on this dictionary is supported.

Query Parameters:
  • fulltext (str) – a string that will be matched against origin metadata; results are ranked and ordered starting with the best ones.

  • limit (int) – the maximum number of found origins to return (bounded to 100)

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin

  • url (string) – the origin canonical url

  • metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/ to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)

  • has_visits (boolean) – indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full visit of the origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/intrinsic-metadata/origin/#

Get intrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary).

Query Parameters:
  • origin_url (string) – the URL of the origin

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • ??? (???) – intrinsic metadata field of the origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/extrinsic-metadata/origin/#

Get extrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary).

Query Parameters:
  • origin_url (str) – parameter for origin url

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • ??? (???) – extrinsic metadata field of the origin

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:




GET /api/1/provenance/whereis/(target)/#

Given a core SWHID return a qualified SWHID with some provenance info:

  • the release or revision containing that content or directory

  • the url of the origin containing that content or directory

This can also be called for revision, release or snapshot to retrieve origin url information if any. When using a revision, the anchor will be an associated release if any.


The quality of the result is not guaranteed whatsoever. Since the definition of “best” likely vary from one usage to the next, this API will evolve in the futur when this notion get better defined.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to request it.

  • target (string) – a core SWHID targeting an archived object

The response is a string containing a qualified SWHID with provenance info.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


POST /api/1/provenance/whereare/#

Given a list of core SWHIDs return qualified SWHIDs with some provenance info.

See GET /api/1/provenance/whereis/(target)/ documentation for more details.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to request it.

Request JSON Array of Objects:
  • - (string) – input array of core SWHIDs

The response is a JSON array of strings containing qualified SWHIDs with provenance info.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:


GET /api/1/release/(sha1_git)/#

Get information about a release in the archive. Releases are identified by sha1 checksums, compatible with Git tag identifiers. See swh.model.git_objects.release_git_object() in our data model module for details about how they are computed.

  • sha1_git (string) – hexadecimal representation of the release sha1_git identifier

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • author (object) – information about the author of the release

  • date (string) – RFC3339 representation of the release date

  • id (string) – the release unique identifier

  • message (string) – the message associated to the release

  • name (string) – the name of the release

  • target (string) – the target identifier of the release

  • target_type (string) – the type of the target, can be either release, revision, content, directory

  • target_url (string) – a link to the adequate api url based on the target type

Status Codes:



Request archival#

POST /api/1/add-forge/request/create/#

Create a new request to add a forge to the list of those crawled regularly by Software Heritage.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication in order to be able to request it.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Request JSON Object:
  • forge_type (string) – the type of forge

  • forge_url (string) – the base URL of the forge

  • forge_contact_email (string) – email of an administrator of the forge to contact

  • forge_contact_name (string) – the name of the administrator

  • forge_contact_comment (string) – to explain how Software Heritage can verify forge administrator info are valid

Status Codes:
POST /api/1/add-forge/request/(id)/update/#

Update a request to add a forge to the list of those crawled regularly by Software Heritage.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication in order to be able to request it.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Request JSON Object:
  • text (string) – comment about new request status

  • new_status (string) – the new request status

Status Codes:
GET /api/1/add-forge/request/list/#

List add forge requests submitted by users.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Query Parameters:
  • page (int) – optional page number

  • per_page (int) – optional number of elements per page (bounded to 1000)

Status Codes:
GET /api/1/add-forge/request/(id)/get/#

Return all details about an add-forge request.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • id (int) – add-forge request identifier

Status Codes:
POST /api/1/add-forge/request/create/#

Create a new request to add a forge to the list of those crawled regularly by Software Heritage.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication in order to be able to request it.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Request JSON Object:
  • forge_type (string) – the type of forge

  • forge_url (string) – the base URL of the forge

  • forge_contact_email (string) – email of an administrator of the forge to contact

  • forge_contact_name (string) – the name of the administrator

  • forge_contact_comment (string) – to explain how Software Heritage can verify forge administrator info are valid

Status Codes:
POST /api/1/origin/save/bulk/#

Request the saving of multiple software origins into the archive.

That endpoint enables to request the archival of multiple software origins through a POST request containing a list of origin URLs and their visit types in its body.

The following visit types are supported: bzr, cvs, hg, git, svn and tarball-directory.

The origins list data can be provided using the following content types:

  • text/csv (default)

    When using CSV format, first column must contain origin URLs and second column the visit types.


    To post the content of such file to the endpoint, you can use the following curl command.

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ****" \
        --data-binary @/path/to/origins.csv \
  • application/json

    When using JSON format, the following schema must be used.

            "origin_url": "https://git.example.org/user/project",
            "visit_type": "git"
            "origin_url": "https://download.example.org/project/source.tar.gz",
            "visit_type": "tarball-directory"

    To post the content of such file to the endpoint, you can use the following curl command.

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ****" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data-binary @/path/to/origins.json \
  • application/yaml

    When using YAML format, the following schema must be used.

    - origin_url: https://git.example.org/user/project
      visit_type: git
    - origin_url: https://download.example.org/project/source.tar.gz
      visit_type: tarball-directory

    To post the content of such file to the endpoint, you can use the following curl command.

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ****" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" \
        --data-binary @/path/to/origins.yaml \

Once received, origins data are checked for correctness by validating URLs and verifying if visit types are supported. A request cannot be accepted if at least one origin is not valid. All origins with invalid format will be reported in the rejected request response.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to request it.

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

  • Content-Type – the content type of posted data, either text/csv (default), application/json or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • status (string) – either accepted or rejected

  • reason (string) – details about why a request got rejected

  • request_id (string) – request identifier (only when it its accepted)

  • rejected_origins (array) – list of rejected origins and details about the reasons (only when the request is rejected)

Status Codes:
GET /api/1/origin/save/bulk/requests/#

List previously submitted save bulk requests.

That endpoint enables to list the save bulk requests submitted by your user account and get their info URLs (see GET /api/1/origin/save/bulk/request/(request_id)/). That list is returned in a paginated way if the number or requests is large.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to request it.

Query Parameters:
  • page (number) – The submitted requests page number to retrieve

  • per_page (number) – Number of submitted requests per page, default to 1000, maximum is 10000

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • request_id (string) – UUID identifier of the request

  • request_date (date) – the date the request was submitted

  • request_info_url (string) – URL to get detailed info about the request

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Status Codes:
GET /api/1/origin/save/bulk/request/(request_id)/#

Get feedback about loading statuses of origins submitted through a save bulk request.

That endpoint enables to track the archival statuses of origins sumitted through a POST request using the POST /api/1/origin/save/bulk/ endpoint. Info about submitted origins are returned in a paginated way.


Only origin visits whose dates are greater than the request date are reported by that endpoint.


That endpoint is not publicly available and requires authentication and special user permission in order to request it. Staff users are also allowed to query it.


Only the user that created a save bulk request or a staff user can get feedback about it.

  • request_id (string) – UUID identifier of a save bulk request

Query Parameters:
  • page (number) – The submitted origins info page number to retrieve

  • per_page (number) – Number of submitted origins info per page, default to 1000, maximum is 10000

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • origin_url (string) – URL of submitted origin

  • visit_type (string) – visit type for the origin

  • status (string) – submitted origin status, either pending, accepted or rejected

  • last_scheduling_date (date) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the last date (in UTC) when the origin was scheduled for loading into the archive, null if the origin got rejected

  • last_visit_date (date) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the last date (in UTC) when the origin was visited by Software Heritage, null if the origin got rejected or was not visited yet

  • last_visit_status (string) – last visit status for the origin, either successful or failed, null if the origin got rejected or was not visited yet

  • last_snapshot_swhid (string) – last produced snapshot SWHID associated to the visit, null if the origin got rejected or was not visited yet

  • rejection_reason (string) – if the origin got rejected gives more details about it

  • browse_url (string) – URL to browse the submitted origin if it got accepted and loaded into the archive, null if the origin got rejected or was not visited yet

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 401 Unauthorized – request is not authenticated

  • 403 Forbidden – user does not have permission to query the endpoint or get feedback about a request he did not submit

GET /api/1/origin/save/(visit_type)/url/(origin_url)/#
POST /api/1/origin/save/(visit_type)/url/(origin_url)/#
GET /api/1/origin/save/(request_id)/#

Request the saving of a software origin into the archive or check the status of previously created save requests.

That endpoint enables to create a saving task for a software origin through a POST request.

Depending of the provided origin url, the save request can either be:

  • immediately accepted, for well known code hosting providers like for instance GitHub or GitLab

  • rejected, in case the url is blacklisted by Software Heritage

  • put in pending state until a manual check is done in order to determine if it can be loaded or not

Once a saving request has been accepted, its associated saving task status can then be checked through a GET request on the same url. Returned status can either be:

  • not created: no saving task has been created

  • pending: saving task has been created and will be scheduled for execution

  • scheduled: the task execution has been scheduled

  • running: the task is currently executed

  • succeeded: the saving task has been successfully executed

  • failed: the saving task has been executed but it failed

When issuing a POST request an object will be returned while a GET request will return an array of objects (as multiple save requests might have been submitted for the same origin).

It is also possible to get info about a specific save request by sending a GET request to the /api/1/origin/save/(request_id)/ endpoint.

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform (currently the supported types are bzr, cvs, git, hg, and svn)

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • request_id (number) – a save request identifier

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • visit_date (string) – the date (in iso format) of the visit if a visit occurred, null otherwise.

  • visit_status (string) – the status of the visit, either full, partial, not_found or failed if a visit occurred, null otherwise.

  • note (string) – optional note giving details about the save request, for instance why it has been rejected

  • snapshot_swhid (string) – SWHID of snapshot associated to the visit (null if it is missing or unknown)

  • snapshot_url (string) – Web API URL to retrieve snapshot data

  • from_webhook (boolean) – indicates if the save request was created from a popular forge webhook receiver (see POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/github/ for instance)

  • webhook_origin (string) – indicates which forge type sent the webhook, currently the supported types are:bitbucket, gitea, github, gitlab, and sourceforge

Status Codes:
POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/bitbucket/#

Webhook receiver for Bitbucket to request or update the archival of a repository when new commits are pushed to it.

To add such webhook to one of your git repository hosted on Bitbucket, please follow Bitbucket’s webhooks guide.

The expected content type for the webhook payload must be application/json.

Please not that to avoid abusing the archival service offered by Software Heritage at most one request per hour is created so the effective loading of the repository into the archive might be delayed.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • save_task_next_run (string) – the date and time from which the request is executed

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – save request for repository has been successfully created from the webhook payload.

  • 400 Bad Request – no save request has been created due to invalid POST request or missing data in webhook payload

POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/gitea/#

Webhook receiver for Gitea to request or update the archival of a repository when new commits are pushed to it.

To add such webhook to one of your git repository hosted on Gitea, please follow Gitea’s webhooks guide.

The expected content type for the webhook payload must be application/json.

Please not that to avoid abusing the archival service offered by Software Heritage at most one request per hour is created so the effective loading of the repository into the archive might be delayed.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • save_task_next_run (string) – the date and time from which the request is executed

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – save request for repository has been successfully created from the webhook payload.

  • 400 Bad Request – no save request has been created due to invalid POST request or missing data in webhook payload

POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/github/#

Webhook receiver for GitHub to request or update the archival of a repository when new commits are pushed to it.

To add such webhook to one of your git repository hosted on GitHub, please follow GitHub’s webhooks guide.

The expected content type for the webhook payload must be application/json.

Please not that to avoid abusing the archival service offered by Software Heritage at most one request per hour is created so the effective loading of the repository into the archive might be delayed.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • save_task_next_run (string) – the date and time from which the request is executed

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – save request for repository has been successfully created from the webhook payload.

  • 400 Bad Request – no save request has been created due to invalid POST request or missing data in webhook payload

POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/gitlab/#

Webhook receiver for GitLab to request or update the archival of a repository when new commits are pushed to it.

To add such webhook to one of your git repository hosted on GitLab, please follow GitLab’s webhooks guide.

The expected content type for the webhook payload must be application/json.

Please not that to avoid abusing the archival service offered by Software Heritage at most one request per hour is created so the effective loading of the repository into the archive might be delayed.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • save_task_next_run (string) – the date and time from which the request is executed

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – save request for repository has been successfully created from the webhook payload.

  • 400 Bad Request – no save request has been created due to invalid POST request or missing data in webhook payload

POST /api/1/origin/save/webhook/sourceforge/#

Webhook receiver for SourceForge to request or update the archival of a repository when new commits are pushed to it.

To add such webhook to one of your git, hg or svn repository hosted on SourceForge, please follow SourceForge’s webhooks guide.

The expected content type for the webhook payload must be application/json.

Please not that to avoid abusing the archival service offered by Software Heritage at most one request per hour is created so the effective loading of the repository into the archive might be delayed.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (number) – the save request identifier

  • request_url (string) – Web API URL to follow up on that request

  • origin_url (string) – the url of the origin to save

  • visit_type (string) – the type of visit to perform

  • save_request_date (string) – the date (in iso format) the save request was issued

  • save_request_status (string) – the status of the save request, either accepted, rejected or pending

  • save_task_status (string) – the status of the origin saving task, either not created, pending, scheduled, running, succeeded or failed

  • save_task_next_run (string) – the date and time from which the request is executed

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – save request for repository has been successfully created from the webhook payload.

  • 400 Bad Request – no save request has been created due to invalid POST request or missing data in webhook payload


GET /api/1/revision/(sha1_git)/#

Get information about a revision in the archive. Revisions are identified by sha1 checksums, compatible with Git commit identifiers. See swh.model.git_objects.revision_git_object() in our data model module for details about how they are computed.

  • sha1_git (string) – hexadecimal representation of the revision sha1_git identifier

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • author (object) – information about the author of the revision

  • committer (object) – information about the committer of the revision

  • committer_date (string) – RFC3339 representation of the commit date

  • date (string) – RFC3339 representation of the revision date

  • directory (string) – the unique identifier that revision points to

  • directory_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/] to get information about the directory associated to the revision

  • id (string) – the revision unique identifier

  • merge (boolean) – whether or not the revision corresponds to a merge commit

  • message (string) – the message associated to the revision

  • parents (array) – the parents of the revision, i.e. the previous revisions that head directly to it, each entry of that array contains an unique parent revision identifier but also a link to GET /api/1/revision/(sha1_git)/ to get more information about it

  • type (string) – the type of the revision

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/revision/(sha1_git)/directory/[(path)/]#

Get information about directory (entry) objects associated to revisions. Each revision is associated to a single “root” directory. This endpoint behaves like GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/], but operates on the root directory associated to a given revision.

  • sha1_git (string) – hexadecimal representation of the revision sha1_git identifier

  • path (string) – optional parameter to get information about the directory entry pointed by that relative path

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • content (array) – directory entries as returned by GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/]

  • path (string) – path of directory from the revision root one

  • revision (string) – the unique revision identifier

  • type (string) – the type of the directory

Status Codes:


GET /api/1/revision/(sha1_git)/log/#

Get a list of all revisions heading to a given one, in other words show the commit log.

The revisions are returned in the breadth-first search order while visiting the revision graph. The number of revisions to return is also bounded by the limit query parameter.


To get the full BFS traversal of the revision graph when the total number of revisions is greater than 1000, it is up to the client to keep track of the multiple branches of history when there’s merge revisions in the returned objects. In other words, identify all the continuation points that need to be followed to get the full history through recursion.

  • sha1_git (string) – hexadecimal representation of the revision sha1_git identifier

Query Parameters:
  • limit (int) – maximum number of revisions to return when performing BFS traversal on the revision graph (default to 10, cannot exceed 1000)

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • author (object) – information about the author of the revision

  • committer (object) – information about the committer of the revision

  • committer_date (string) – RFC3339 representation of the commit date

  • date (string) – RFC3339 representation of the revision date

  • directory (string) – the unique identifier that revision points to

  • directory_url (string) – link to GET /api/1/directory/(sha1_git)/[(path)/] to get information about the directory associated to the revision

  • id (string) – the revision unique identifier

  • merge (boolean) – whether or not the revision corresponds to a merge commit

  • message (string) – the message associated to the revision

  • parents (array) – the parents of the revision, i.e. the previous revisions that head directly to it, each entry of that array contains an unique parent revision identifier but also a link to GET /api/1/revision/(sha1_git)/ to get more information about it

  • type (string) – the type of the revision

Status Codes:




GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/#

Get information about a snapshot in the archive.

A snapshot is a set of named branches, which are pointers to objects at any level of the Software Heritage DAG. It represents a full picture of an origin at a given time.

As well as pointing to other objects in the Software Heritage DAG, branches can also be aliases, in which case their target is the name of another branch in the same snapshot, or dangling, in which case the target is unknown.

A snapshot identifier is a salted sha1. See swh.model.git_objects.snapshot_git_object() in our data model module for details about how they are computed.

  • snapshot_id (sha1) – a snapshot identifier

Query Parameters:
  • branches_from (str) – optional parameter used to skip branches whose name is lesser than it before returning them

  • branches_count (int) – optional parameter used to restrain the amount of returned branches (default to 1000)

  • target_types (str) – optional comma separated list parameter used to filter the target types of branch to return (possible values that can be contained in that list are content, directory, revision, release, snapshot or alias)

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
  • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request

  • Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it

Response JSON Object:
  • branches (object) – object containing all branches associated to the snapshot,for each of them the associated target type and id are given but also a link to get information about that target

  • id (string) – the unique identifier of the snapshot

Status Codes:



Archive statistics#

GET /api/1/stat/counters/#

Get statistics about the content of the archive.

Response JSON Object:
  • content (number) – current number of content objects (aka files) in the archive

  • directory (number) – current number of directory objects in the archive

  • origin (number) – current number of software origins (an origin is a “place” where code source can be found, e.g. a git repository, a tarball, …) in the archive

  • origin_visit (number) – current number of visits on software origins to fill the archive

  • person (number) – current number of persons (code source authors or committers) in the archive

  • release (number) – current number of releases objects in the archive

  • revision (number) – current number of revision objects (aka commits) in the archive

  • skipped_content (number) – current number of content objects (aka files) which where not inserted in the archive

  • snapshot (number) – current number of snapshot objects (aka set of named branches) in the archive

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Status Codes:




GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/#
POST /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/#

Request the cooking of a simple archive, typically for a directory.

That endpoint enables to create a vault cooking task for a directory through a POST request or check the status of a previously created one through a GET request.

Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/:

$ curl -LOJ https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/vault/flat/swh:1:dir:*/raw/

Then to extract the cooked directory in the current one, use:

$ tar xvf path/to/swh_1_*.tar.gz

(replace swh:1:dir:* with the SWHID of the requested directory).

  • swhid (string) – the object’s SWHID

Query Parameters:
  • email (string) – e-mail to notify when the archive is ready

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • fetch_url (string) – the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/)

  • progress_message (string) – message describing the cooking task progress

  • id (number) – the cooking task id

  • status (string) – the cooking task status (either new, pending, done or failed)

  • swhid (string) – the identifier of the object to cook

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 400 Bad Request – an invalid directory identifier has been provided

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/#

Fetch the cooked archive for a flat bundle.

See GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/ to get more details on ‘flat’ bundle cooking.

  • swhid (string) – the SWHID of the object to cook

Response Headers:
Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/#
POST /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/#

Request the cooking of a git-bare archive or check its cooking status.

That endpoint enables to create a git-bare archive cooking task for a:

  • revision: produced repository only includes a single branch heading to the revision

  • release: produced repository only includes a single branch heading to the release

  • snapshot: produced repository includes all branches and releases contained in the snapshot

  • directory: produced repository only includes a single branch with a single commit targeting the directory

A cooking task must be created through a POST request while checking the status of a previously created one can be done through a GET request.

Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting git-bare archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint GET /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/:

$ curl -LOJ https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/vault/git-bare/swh:1:*/raw/

Then to import the repository in the current directory, use:

$ tar -xf path/to/swh_1_*.git.tar
$ git clone swh:1:*.git new_repository

(replace swh:1:* with the SWHID of the requested revision or snapshot).

This will create a directory called new_repository, which is a git repository containing the requested objects.

  • swhid (string) – the revision’s or snapshot’s permanent identifier

Query Parameters:
  • email (string) – e-mail to notify when the git-bare archive is ready

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • fetch_url (string) – the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see GET /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/)

  • progress_message (string) – message describing the cooking task progress

  • id (number) – the cooking task id

  • status (string) – the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed)

  • swhid (string) – the identifier of the object to cook

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/#

Fetch the cooked git-bare archive for a revision.

See GET /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/ to get more details on git-bare cooking.

  • swhid (string) – the revision’s permanent identifier

Response Headers:
Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/#
POST /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/#

Request the cooking of a gitfast archive for a revision or check its cooking status.

That endpoint enables to create a vault cooking task for a revision through a POST request or check the status of a previously created one through a GET request.

Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting gitfast archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/:

$ curl -LOJ https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/vault/gitfast/swh:1:rev:*/raw/

Then to import the revision in the current directory, use:

$ git init
$ zcat path/to/swh_1_rev_*.gitfast.gz | git fast-import
$ git checkout HEAD

(replace swh:1:rev:* with the SWHID of the requested revision).

  • swhid (string) – the revision’s permanent identifiers

Query Parameters:
  • email (string) – e-mail to notify when the gitfast archive is ready

Request Headers:
  • Accept – the requested response content type, either application/json (default) or application/yaml

Response Headers:
Response JSON Object:
  • fetch_url (string) – the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/)

  • progress_message (string) – message describing the cooking task progress

  • id (number) – the cooking task id

  • status (string) – the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed)

  • swhid (string) – the identifier of the object to cook

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/#

Fetch the cooked gitfast archive for a revision.

See GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/ to get more details on gitfast cooking.

  • rev_id (string) – the revision’s sha1 identifier

Response Headers:
Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 404 Not Found – requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or cannot be found in the archive (in case of POST)

GET /api/1/vault/directory/(dir_id)/#

This endpoint was replaced by GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/

GET /api/1/vault/directory/(dir_id)/raw/#

This endpoint was replaced by GET /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/

GET /api/1/vault/revision/(rev_id)/gitfast/#

This endpoint was replaced by GET /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/