swh.deposit.cli.client module#

exception swh.deposit.cli.client.InputError[source]#

Bases: ValueError

Input script error


Trap and report exceptions (InputError, MaintenanceError) in a unified way.

swh.deposit.cli.client.generate_metadata(deposit_client: str, name: str, authors: List[str], external_id: str | None = None, create_origin: str | None = None, metadata_provenance_url: str | None = None) str[source]#

Generate sword compliant xml metadata with the minimum required metadata.

The Atom spec, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287, says that:

  • atom:entry elements MUST contain one or more atom:author elements

  • atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:title element.

  • atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:updated element.

However, we are also using CodeMeta, so we want some basic information to be mandatory.

Therefore, we generate the following mandatory fields:

  • deposit_client – Deposit client username,

  • name – Software name

  • authors – List of author names

  • create_origin – Origin concerned by the deposit

  • metadata_provenance_url – Provenance metadata url


metadata xml string

swh.deposit.cli.client.client_command_parse_input(client, username: str, archive: str | None, metadata: str | None, collection: str | None, slug: str | None, create_origin: str | None, metadata_provenance_url: str | None, partial: bool, deposit_id: int | None, swhid: str | None, replace: bool, url: str, name: str | None, authors: List[str], temp_dir: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#
Parse the client subcommand options and make sure the combination

is acceptable*. If not, an InputError exception is raised explaining the issue.

By acceptable, we mean:

  • A multipart deposit (create or update) requires:

    • an existing software archive

    • an existing metadata file or author(s) and name provided in params

  • A binary deposit (create/update) requires an existing software archive

  • A metadata deposit (create/update) requires an existing metadata file or author(s) and name provided in params

  • A deposit update requires a deposit_id

This will not prevent all failure cases though. The remaining errors are already dealt with by the underlying api client.

  • InputError explaining the user input related issue

  • MaintenanceError explaining the api status


“archive”: the software archive to deposit “username”: username “metadata”: the metadata file to deposit “collection”: the user’s collection under which to put the deposit “create_origin”: the origin concerned by the deposit “metadata_provenance_url”: the metadata provenance url “in_progress”: if the deposit is partial or not “url”: deposit’s server main entry point “deposit_id”: optional deposit identifier “swhid”: optional deposit swhid “replace”: whether the given deposit is to be replaced or not

Return type:

dict with the following keys


Add default –url, –username and –password flag to cli.


Add –format output flag decorator to cli.

swh.deposit.cli.client.print_result(data: Dict[str, Any], output_format: str | None) None[source]#

Display the result data into a dedicated output format.