swh.objstorage.backends.azure module#

swh.objstorage.backends.azure.get_container_url(account_name: str, account_key: str, container_name: str, access_policy: str = 'read_only', expiry: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=365), container_url_template: str = 'https://{account_name}.blob.core.windows.net/{container_name}?{signature}', **kwargs) str[source]#

Get the full url, for the given container on the given account, with a Shared Access Signature granting the specified access policy.

  • account_name – name of the storage account for which to generate the URL

  • account_key – shared account key of the storage account used to generate the SAS

  • container_name – name of the container for which to grant access in the storage account

  • access_policy – one of read_only, append_only, full

  • expiry – the interval in the future with which the signature will expire


the full URL of the container, with the shared access signature.

class swh.objstorage.backends.azure.AzureCloudObjStorage(*, container_url: str | None = None, account_name: str | None = None, api_secret_key: str | None = None, container_name: str | None = None, connection_string: str | None = None, compression: Literal['bz2', 'lzma', 'gzip', 'zlib', 'none'] = 'gzip', use_secondary_endpoint_for_downloads=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ObjStorage

ObjStorage backend for Azure blob storage accounts.

  • container_url – the URL of the container in which the objects are stored.

  • account_name – (deprecated) the name of the storage account under which objects are stored

  • api_secret_key – (deprecated) the shared account key

  • container_name – (deprecated) the name of the container under which objects are stored

  • compression – the compression algorithm used to compress objects in storage

  • use_secondary_endpoint_for_downloads – if True, use the secondary endpoint url to generate download URLs. To configure the secondary endpoint, use the BlobSecondaryEndpoint entry of the connection string.


The container url should contain the credentials via a “Shared Access Signature”. The get_container_url() helper can be used to generate such a URL from the account’s access keys. The account_name, api_secret_key and container_name arguments are deprecated.

PRIMARY_HASH: Literal['sha1', 'sha256'] = 'sha1'#
name: str = 'azure'#

Default objstorage name; can be overloaded at instantiation time giving a ‘name’ argument to the constructor


Get the container client for the container that contains the object with internal id hex_obj_id

This is used to allow the PrefixedAzureCloudObjStorage to dispatch the client according to the prefix of the object id.


Returns a collection of container clients, to be passed to get_async_blob_client.

Each container may not be used in more than one asyncio loop.


Get the azure blob client for the given hex obj id

get_async_blob_client(hex_obj_id, container_clients)[source]#

Get the azure blob client for the given hex obj id and a collection yielded by get_async_container_clients.


Get all active block_blob_services

check_config(*, check_write)[source]#

Check the configuration for this object storage

add(content: bytes, obj_id: bytes | CompositeObjId, check_presence: bool = True) None[source]#

Add an obj in storage if it’s not there already.

restore(content: bytes, obj_id: bytes | CompositeObjId) None[source]#

Restore a content.

get(obj_id: bytes | CompositeObjId) bytes[source]#

retrieve blob’s content if found.

get_batch(obj_ids: Iterable[bytes | CompositeObjId]) Iterator[bytes | None][source]#

Retrieve objects’ raw content in bulk from storage, concurrently.

delete(obj_id: bytes | CompositeObjId)[source]#

Delete an object.

download_url(obj_id: bytes | CompositeObjId, content_disposition: str | None = None, expiry: timedelta | None = None) str | None[source]#
class swh.objstorage.backends.azure.PrefixedAzureCloudObjStorage(accounts: Mapping[str, str | Mapping[str, str]], name: str = 'azure-prefixed', compression: Literal['bz2', 'lzma', 'gzip', 'zlib', 'none'] = 'gzip', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: AzureCloudObjStorage

ObjStorage with azure capabilities, striped by prefix.

accounts is a dict containing entries of the form:

<prefix>: <container_url_for_prefix>


Get the block_blob_service and container that contains the object with internal id hex_obj_id


Returns a collection of container clients, to be passed to get_async_blob_client.

Each container may not be used in more than one asyncio loop.

get_async_blob_client(hex_obj_id, container_clients)[source]#

Get the azure blob client for the given hex obj id and a collection yielded by get_async_container_clients.


Get all active container clients