swh.journal.client module#

class swh.journal.client.EofBehavior(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: Enum

Possible behaviors when reaching the end of the log

CONTINUE = 'continue'#
STOP = 'stop'#
RESTART = 'restart'#
swh.journal.client.get_journal_client(cls: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Factory function to instantiate a journal client object.

Currently, only the “kafka” journal client is supported.

class swh.journal.client.JournalClient(brokers: str | List[str], group_id: str, prefix: str | None = None, object_types: List[str] | None = None, privileged: bool = False, stop_after_objects: int | None = None, batch_size: int = 200, process_timeout: float | None = None, auto_offset_reset: str = 'earliest', stop_on_eof: bool | None = None, on_eof: EofBehavior | str | None = None, value_deserializer: Callable[[str, bytes], Any] | None = None, create_topics: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

A base client for the Software Heritage journal.

The current implementation of the journal uses Apache Kafka brokers to publish messages under a given topic prefix, with each object type using a specific topic under that prefix. If the prefix argument is None (default value), it will take the default value ‘swh.journal.objects’.

Clients subscribe to events specific to each object type as listed in the object_types argument (if unset, defaults to all existing kafka topic under the prefix).

Clients can be sharded by setting the group_id to a common value across instances. The journal will share the message throughput across the nodes sharing the same group_id.

Messages are processed by the worker_fn callback passed to the process method, in batches of maximum batch_size messages (defaults to 200).

The objects passed to the worker_fn callback are the result of the kafka message converted by the value_deserializer function. By default (if this argument is not given), it will produce dicts (using the kafka_to_value function). This signature of the function is:

value_deserializer(object_type: str, kafka_msg: bytes) -> Any

If the value returned by value_deserializer is None, it is ignored and not passed the worker_fn function.

  • stop_after_objects – If set, the processing stops after processing this number of messages in total.

  • on_eof – What to do when reaching the end of each partition (keep consuming, stop, or restart from earliest offsets); defaults to continuing. This can be either a EofBehavior variant or a string containing the name of one of the variants.

  • stop_on_eof – (deprecated) equivalent to passing on_eof=EofBehavior.STOP

  • auto_offset_reset – sets the behavior of the client when the consumer group initializes: 'earliest' (the default) processes all objects since the inception of the topics; ''

  • create_topics – Create kafka topics if they do not exist, not for production, this flag should only be enabled in development environments.

Any other named argument is passed directly to KafkaConsumer().


Subscribe to topics listed in self.subscription

This can be overridden if you need, for instance, to manually assign partitions.

process(worker_fn: Callable[[Dict[str, List[dict]]], None])[source]#

Polls Kafka for a batch of messages, and calls the worker_fn with these messages.


worker_fn – Function called with the messages as argument.

handle_messages(messages, worker_fn: Callable[[Dict[str, List[dict]]], None]) Tuple[int, bool][source]#
deserialize_message(message, object_type=None)[source]#