Software Heritage - Subversion loader build status#

The Software Heritage Subversion loader is a tool and a library to walk a remote svn repository and inject into the Software Heritage archive all contained files, directories and commits that weren’t known before.

The main entry points are

  • swh.loader.svn.loader.SvnLoader for the main svn loader which ingests content out of a remote svn repository

  • swh.loader.svn.loader.SvnLoaderFromDumpArchive which mounts a repository out of a svn dump prior to ingest it.

  • swh.loader.svn.loader.SvnLoaderFromRemoteDump which mounts a repository with svnrdump prior to ingest its content.

  • which ingests an svn tree at a specific revision.

CLI run#

With the configuration:


  cls: remote
    url: http://localhost:5002/


$ swh loader --config-file /tmp/loader_svn.yml run svn <svn-repository-url>

Reference Documentation#