swh.storage.cassandra.migrations module#
- class swh.storage.cassandra.migrations.MigrationStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- PENDING = 'pending'#
The migration was not applied yet
- RUNNING = 'running'#
- COMPLETED = 'completed'#
- class swh.storage.cassandra.migrations.Migration(id: str, dependencies: set[str], min_read_version: str, script: Callable[[swh.storage.cassandra.cql.CqlRunner], NoneType] | None, help: str | None, required: bool)[source]#
- id: str#
Unique identifier of this migration.
Should have the format:
- min_read_version: str#
Lowest version of the Python code that should be allowed to read the database if this migration is applied
- script: Callable[[CqlRunner], None] | None#
If provided, this is a function that runs the migration.
If not provided, the migration must be run manually, using steps described in the documentation
- required: bool#
Whether this migration must be applied for the current version of the Python code to allow instantiating
- swh.storage.cassandra.migrations.list_migrations(cql_runner: CqlRunner, rows: Sequence[MigrationRow] | None = None) list[tuple[Migration, MigrationStatus]] [source]#
Returns all known migrations, in topological order
, should be the value returned bycql_runner.migration_list
.This includes migrations that are not required to instantiate
- swh.storage.cassandra.migrations.apply_migrations(cql_runner: CqlRunner, ids_to_apply: Iterable[str]) tuple[bool, Sequence[Migration], Sequence[Migration]] [source]#
Applies migrations with the given ids (unless they already are).
- Returns:
whether any was run, and
which migrations cannot run because they are missing dependencies
which migrations still need to be run manually.