Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

import dataclasses
import enum
import graphlib
import logging
import textwrap
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Sequence

from .cql import CqlRunner, create_table
from .model import MigrationRow

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MigrationStatus(enum.Enum): PENDING = "pending" """The migration was not applied yet""" RUNNING = "running" COMPLETED = "completed"
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Migration: id: str """Unique identifier of this migration. Should have the format: ``YYYY-MM-DD_developer_readable_name``""" dependencies: set[str] """Set of identifiers of migrations this migration depends on""" min_read_version: str """Lowest version of the Python code that should be allowed to read the database if this migration is applied""" script: Optional[Callable[[CqlRunner], None]] """If provided, this is a function that runs the migration. If not provided, the migration must be run manually, using steps described in the documentation""" help: Optional[str] """Documentation of the migration Typically describes what to do if ``script`` is :const:`None`.""" required: bool """Whether this migration must be applied for the current version of the Python code to allow instantiating :class:``."""
MIGRATIONS: tuple[Migration, ...] = ( Migration( id="2024-12-12_init", dependencies=set(), min_read_version="2.9.0", script=lambda _cql_runner: None, help="Dummy migration that represents the database schema as of v2.9.0" "", required=True, ), )
[docs] def list_migrations( cql_runner: CqlRunner, rows: Optional[Sequence[MigrationRow]] = None ) -> list[tuple[Migration, MigrationStatus]]: """Returns all known migrations, in topological order ``rows``, should be the value returned by ``cql_runner.migration_list``. This includes migrations that are not required to instantiate :class:``.""" dependency_graph = { m.dependencies for m in MIGRATIONS} if rows is None: rows = list(cql_runner.migration_list()) statuses = { row.status for row in rows} migrations = { migration for migration in MIGRATIONS} return [ ( migrations[migration_id], MigrationStatus(statuses.get(migration_id, "pending")), ) for migration_id in graphlib.TopologicalSorter(dependency_graph).static_order() ]
[docs] def apply_migrations( cql_runner: CqlRunner, ids_to_apply: Iterable[str] ) -> tuple[bool, Sequence[Migration], Sequence[Migration]]: """Applies migrations with the given ids (unless they already are). Returns: * whether any was run, and * which migrations still need to be run manually. * which migrations cannot run because they are missing dependencies """ applied_any = False remaining_manual_migrations = [] remaining_migrations_missing_dependencies = [] statuses = { status for (migration, status) in list_migrations(cql_runner) } for migration_id in ids_to_apply: if migration_id not in statuses: raise ValueError(f"Unknown migration: {migration_id}") migrations_to_apply = [ migration for migration in MIGRATIONS if in ids_to_apply ] for migration in migrations_to_apply: status = statuses[] if status == MigrationStatus.PENDING: missing_dependencies = { dependency for dependency in migration.dependencies if statuses[dependency] != MigrationStatus.COMPLETED } if missing_dependencies: logger.warning( "Cannot apply %s: depends on %s",, ", ".join(missing_dependencies), ) remaining_migrations_missing_dependencies.append(migration) continue cql_runner.migration_add_one( MigrationRow(, dependencies=migration.dependencies, min_read_version=migration.min_read_version, status=MigrationStatus.RUNNING.value, ) ) if migration.script is None:"Skipping %s", if"%s", textwrap.indent(, " ")) remaining_manual_migrations.append(migration) else:"Running %s...", migration.script(cql_runner) cql_runner.migration_add_one( MigrationRow(, dependencies=migration.dependencies, min_read_version=migration.min_read_version, status=MigrationStatus.COMPLETED.value, ) )"Done.") statuses[] = MigrationStatus.COMPLETED applied_any = True return ( applied_any, remaining_manual_migrations, remaining_migrations_missing_dependencies, )
[docs] def create_migrations_table_if_needed(cql_runner: CqlRunner) -> None: if not list( cql_runner.execute_with_retries( """ SELECT table_name FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name=%s AND table_name='migration' """, [cql_runner.keyspace], ) ):"'migrations' table does not exist yet, creating it.") # 'migration' table does not exist. Create it: cql_runner.execute_with_retries(f'USE "{cql_runner.keyspace}"', []) create_table(cql_runner, "migration") # And mark the dummy initial migration as done, as it corresponds to the schema # of the last swh-storage version before adding the 'migrations' table. # Other migrations could not have run before this is done. (migration,) = [ migration for migration in MIGRATIONS if == "2024-12-12_init" ] migration_row = MigrationRow(, dependencies=migration.dependencies, min_read_version=migration.min_read_version, status=MigrationStatus.COMPLETED.value, ) cql_runner.migration_add_concurrent([migration_row])"'migrations' table created.")