swh.storage.cassandra.cql module#
- swh.storage.cassandra.cql.PARTITION_KEY_RESTRICTION_MAX_SIZE = 100#
Maximum number of restrictions in a single query. Usually this is a very low number (eg. SELECT … FROM … WHERE x=?), but some queries can request arbitrarily many (eg. SELECT … FROM … WHERE x IN ?).
This can cause performance issues, as the node getting the query need to coordinate with other nodes to get the complete results. See <scylladb/scylla#4797> for details and rationale.
- swh.storage.cassandra.cql.get_execution_profiles(consistency_level: str = 'ONE') Dict[object, ExecutionProfile] [source]#
- swh.storage.cassandra.cql.create_keyspace(cql_runner: CqlRunner, *, durable_writes=True) None [source]#
- class swh.storage.cassandra.cql.CqlRunner(hosts: List[str], keyspace: str, port: int, consistency_level: str, auth_provider: Dict | None = None, table_options: Dict[str, str] | None = None, register_user_types: bool = True)[source]#
Class managing prepared statements and building queries to be sent to Cassandra.
- execute_many_statements_with_retries(statements_and_parameters: Sequence[Tuple[Any, Tuple]]) Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] [source]#
- migration_add_one(migration: MigrationRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- migration_add_concurrent(migrations: List[MigrationRow], *, statement) None [source]#
- migration_get(migration_ids, *, statement) Iterable[MigrationRow] [source]#
- migration_list(*, statement) Iterable[MigrationRow] [source]#
- content_add_prepare(content: ContentRow, *, statement) Tuple[int, Callable[[], None]] [source]#
Prepares insertion of a Content to the main ‘content’ table. Returns a token (to be used in secondary tables), and a function to be called to perform the insertion in the main table.
- content_get_from_pk(content_hashes: TotalHashDict, *, statement) ContentRow | None [source]#
- content_missing_from_all_hashes(contents_hashes: List[TotalHashDict]) Iterator[TotalHashDict] [source]#
- content_get_from_tokens(tokens, *, statement) Iterable[ContentRow] [source]#
- content_get_random(*, statement) ContentRow | None [source]#
- content_get_token_range(start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterator[Tuple[int, ContentRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, row)
- content_delete(content_hashes: TotalHashDict, *, statement) None [source]#
- content_index_add_one(algo: str, content: Content, token: int) None [source]#
Adds a row mapping content[algo] to the token of the Content in the main ‘content’ table.
- skipped_content_add_prepare(content, *, statement) Tuple[int, Callable[[], None]] [source]#
Prepares insertion of a Content to the main ‘skipped_content’ table. Returns a token (to be used in secondary tables), and a function to be called to perform the insertion in the main table.
- skipped_content_get_from_pk(content_hashes: Dict[str, bytes], *, statement) SkippedContentRow | None [source]#
- skipped_content_get_from_token(token, *, statement) Iterable[SkippedContentRow] [source]#
- skipped_content_delete(skipped_content_hashes: TotalHashDict, *, statement) None [source]#
- skipped_content_index_add_one(algo: str, content: SkippedContent, token: int) None [source]#
Adds a row mapping content[algo] to the token of the SkippedContent in the main ‘skipped_content’ table.
- directory_add_one(directory: DirectoryRow, *, statement) None [source]#
Called after all calls to directory_entry_add_one, to commit/finalize the directory.
- directory_get_random(*, statement) DirectoryRow | None [source]#
- directory_get(directory_ids: List[bytes], *, statement) Iterable[DirectoryRow] [source]#
Return fields from the main directory table (e.g. raw_manifest, but not entries)
- directory_get_token_range(start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterator[Tuple[int, DirectoryRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, row)
- directory_entry_add_one(entry: DirectoryEntryRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- directory_entry_add_concurrent(entries: List[DirectoryEntryRow], *, statement) None [source]#
- directory_entry_add_batch(entries: List[DirectoryEntryRow], *, statement) None [source]#
- directory_entry_get(directory_ids, *, statement) Iterable[DirectoryEntryRow] [source]#
- directory_entry_get_from_name(directory_id: bytes, from_: bytes, limit: int, *, statement) Iterable[DirectoryEntryRow] [source]#
- revision_add_one(revision: RevisionRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- revision_get_random(*, statement) RevisionRow | None [source]#
- revision_get_token_range(start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterator[Tuple[int, RevisionRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, row)
- revision_parent_add_one(revision_parent: RevisionParentRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- release_add_one(release: ReleaseRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- release_get_random(*, statement) ReleaseRow | None [source]#
- release_get_token_range(start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterator[Tuple[int, ReleaseRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, row)
- snapshot_add_one(snapshot: SnapshotRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- snapshot_get_random(*, statement) SnapshotRow | None [source]#
- snapshot_get_token_range(start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterator[Tuple[int, SnapshotRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, row)
- snapshot_branch_add_one(branch: SnapshotBranchRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- snapshot_count_branches_from_name(snapshot_id: bytes, from_: bytes, *, statement) Dict[str | None, int] [source]#
- snapshot_count_branches_before_name(snapshot_id: bytes, before: bytes, *, statement) Dict[str | None, int] [source]#
- snapshot_count_branches(snapshot_id: bytes, branch_name_exclude_prefix: bytes | None = None) Dict[str | None, int] [source]#
Returns a dictionary from type names to the number of branches of that type.
- snapshot_branch_get_from_name(snapshot_id: bytes, from_: bytes, limit: int, *, statement) Iterable[SnapshotBranchRow] [source]#
- snapshot_branch_get_range(snapshot_id: bytes, from_: bytes, before: bytes, limit: int, *, statement) Iterable[SnapshotBranchRow] [source]#
- snapshot_branch_get(snapshot_id: bytes, from_: bytes, limit: int, branch_name_exclude_prefix: bytes | None = None) Iterable[SnapshotBranchRow] [source]#
- origin_list(start_token: int, limit: int, *, statement) Iterable[Tuple[int, OriginRow]] [source]#
Returns an iterable of (token, origin)
- origin_visit_get(origin_url: str, last_visit: int | None, limit: int, order: ListOrder, *, statements) Iterable[OriginVisitRow] [source]#
- origin_visit_add_one(visit: OriginVisitRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- origin_visit_iter_all(origin_url: str, *, statement) Iterable[OriginVisitRow] [source]#
Returns an iterator on visits for a given origin, ordered by descending visit id.
- origin_visit_iter(start_token: int) Iterator[OriginVisitRow] [source]#
Returns all origin visits in order from this token, and wraps around the token space.
- origin_visit_status_get_range(origin: str, visit: int, date_from: datetime | None, limit: int, order: ListOrder, *, statements) Iterable[OriginVisitStatusRow] [source]#
- origin_visit_status_get_all_range(origin_url: str, visit_from: int, visit_to: int, *, statement) Iterable[OriginVisitStatusRow] [source]#
- origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_update: OriginVisitStatusRow, *, statement) None [source]#
- origin_visit_status_get_latest(origin: str, visit: int) OriginVisitStatusRow | None [source]#
Given an origin visit id, return its latest origin_visit_status
- origin_visit_status_get(origin: str, visit: int, *, statement) Iterator[OriginVisitStatusRow] [source]#
Return all origin visit statuses for a given visit
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_by_ids(ids: List[bytes], *, statement) Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataByIdRow] [source]#
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_after_date(target: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, after: datetime, *, statement) Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow] [source]#
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_after_date_and_id(target: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, after_date: datetime, after_id: bytes, *, statement) Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow] [source]#
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_get(target: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, *, statement) Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow] [source]#
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities(target: str, *, statement) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]#
- raw_extrinsic_metadata_delete(target, authority_type, authority_url, discovery_date, emd_id, *, statement)[source]#
- metadata_authority_add(authority: MetadataAuthorityRow, *, statement)[source]#
- metadata_authority_get(type, url, *, statement) MetadataAuthorityRow | None [source]#
- metadata_fetcher_get(name, version, *, statement) MetadataFetcherRow | None [source]#
- extid_get_from_pk(extid_type: str, extid: bytes, extid_version: int, target: CoreSWHID, *, statement) ExtIDRow | None [source]#
- extid_get_from_token_and_extid_version(token: int, extid_version: int, *, statement) Iterable[ExtIDRow] [source]#
- extid_get_from_extid_and_version(extid_type: str, extid: bytes, extid_version: int, *, statement) Iterable[ExtIDRow] [source]#
- extid_get_from_target(target_type: str, target: bytes, extid_type: str | None = None, extid_version: int | None = None) Iterable[ExtIDRow] [source]#
- extid_delete(extid_type: str, extid: bytes, extid_version: int, target_type: str, target: bytes, *, statement) None [source]#
- extid_index_add_one(row: ExtIDByTargetRow, *, statement) None [source]#
Adds a row mapping extid[target_type, target] to the token of the ExtID in the main ‘extid’ table.
- object_reference_add_concurrent(entries: List[ObjectReferenceRow], *, statement) None [source]#
- object_reference_get(target: bytes, target_type: str, limit: int) Iterable[ObjectReferenceRow] [source]#
- object_references_list_tables(*, statement) List[ObjectReferencesTableRow] [source]#
List existing tables of the object_references table, ordered from oldest to the most recent.
Its result is cached per-
instance for an hour, to avoid a round-trip on every object write.
- object_references_create_table(date: Tuple[int, int], *, statement) Tuple[date, date] [source]#
Create the table of the object_references table for the given ISO
- object_references_drop_table(year: int, week: int) None [source]#
Delete the table of the object_references table for the given ISO
- stat_counters() Iterable[ObjectCountRow] [source]#