Source code for swh.web.api.views.origin

# Copyright (C) 2015-2024  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

from distutils.util import strtobool
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict

from rest_framework.request import Request

from import SearchQuerySyntaxError
from swh.web.api.apidoc import api_doc, format_docstring
from swh.web.api.apiurls import api_route
from swh.web.api.utils import (
from swh.web.api.views.utils import api_lookup
from swh.web.utils import archive, origin_visit_types, reverse
from swh.web.utils.exc import BadInputExc
from swh.web.utils.origin_visits import get_origin_visits

        :>json string origin_visits_url: link to in order to get information
            about the visits for that origin
        :>json string url: the origin canonical url
        :>json string metadata_authorities_url: link to
            to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata
            on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin's extrinsic metadata itself)
        :>json array visit_types: set of visit types for that origin
        :>json boolean has_visits: indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full
            visit of the origin

DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN_ARRAY = DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN.replace(":>json", ":>jsonarr")

        :>json string date: ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)
        :>json str origin: the origin canonical url
        :>json string origin_url: link to get information about the origin
        :>jsonarr string snapshot: the snapshot identifier of the visit
            (may be null if status is not **full**).
        :>jsonarr string snapshot_url: link to
            :http:get:`/api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/` in order to get
            information about the snapshot of the visit
            (may be null if status is not **full**).
        :>json string status: status of the visit (either **full**,
            **partial** or **ongoing**)
        :>json number visit: the unique identifier of the visit


        :>jsonarr number id: the unique identifier of the origin
        :>jsonarr string origin_visit_url: link to
            in order to get information about the visit

[docs] @api_route(r"/origins/", "api-1-origins") @api_doc("/origins/", category="Archive", noargs=True) @format_docstring(return_origin_array=DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN_ARRAY) def api_origins(request: Request): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origins/ Get list of archived software origins. .. warning:: This endpoint used to provide an ``origin_from`` query parameter, and guarantee an order on results. This is no longer true, and only the Link header should be used for paginating through results. :query int origin_count: The maximum number of origins to return (default to 100, cannot exceed 10000) {return_origin_array} {common_headers} {resheader_link} :statuscode 200: no error **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origins?origin_count=500` """ old_param_origin_from = request.query_params.get("origin_from") if old_param_origin_from: raise BadInputExc("Please use the Link header to browse through result") page_token = request.query_params.get("page_token", None) limit = min(int(request.query_params.get("origin_count", "100")), 10000) page_result = archive.lookup_origins(page_token, limit) origins = [enrich_origin(o, request=request) for o in page_result.results] next_page_token = page_result.next_page_token headers: Dict[str, str] = {} if next_page_token is not None: headers["link-next"] = reverse( "api-1-origins", query_params={"page_token": next_page_token, "origin_count": str(limit)}, request=request, ) return {"results": origins, "headers": headers}
[docs] @api_route(r"/origin/(?P<origin_url>.+)/get/", "api-1-origin") @api_doc("/origin/", category="Archive") @format_docstring(return_origin=DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN) def api_origin(request: Request, origin_url: str): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/get/ Get information about a software origin. :param string origin_url: the origin url {return_origin} {common_headers} :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested origin cannot be found in the archive **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origin/` """ error_msg = f"Origin with url {origin_url} not found." return api_lookup( archive.lookup_origin, origin_url, lookup_similar_urls=False, notfound_msg=error_msg, enrich_fn=enrich_origin, request=request, )
def _visit_types() -> str: docstring = "" # available visit types are queried using swh-search so we do it in a try # block in case of failure (for instance in docker environment when # elasticsearch service is not available) try: visit_types = [f"**{visit_type}**" for visit_type in origin_visit_types()] docstring = ", ".join(visit_types[:-1]) + f", and {visit_types[-1]}" except Exception: docstring = "???" pass return docstring
[docs] @api_route(r"/origin/(?P<origin_url>.+)/visits/", "api-1-origin-visits") @api_doc("/origin/visits/", category="Archive") @format_docstring(return_origin_visit_array=DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN_VISIT_ARRAY) def api_origin_visits(request: Request, origin_url: str): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visits/ Get information about all visits of a software origin. Visits are returned sorted in descending order according to their date. :param str origin_url: a software origin URL :query int per_page: specify the number of visits to list, for pagination purposes :query int last_visit: visit to start listing from, for pagination purposes {common_headers} {resheader_link} {return_origin_visit_array} :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested origin cannot be found in the archive **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origin/` """ result = {} notfound_msg = "No origin {} found".format(origin_url) url_args_next = {"origin_url": origin_url} per_page = int(request.query_params.get("per_page", "10")) last_visit_str = request.query_params.get("last_visit") last_visit = int(last_visit_str) if last_visit_str else None def _lookup_origin_visits(origin_url, last_visit=last_visit, per_page=per_page): all_visits = get_origin_visits(origin_url, lookup_similar_urls=False) all_visits.reverse() visits = [] if not last_visit: visits = all_visits[:per_page] else: for i, v in enumerate(all_visits): if v["visit"] == last_visit: visits = all_visits[i + 1 : i + 1 + per_page] break for v in visits: yield v results = api_lookup( _lookup_origin_visits, origin_url, notfound_msg=notfound_msg, enrich_fn=partial( enrich_origin_visit, with_origin_link=False, with_origin_visit_link=True ), request=request, ) if results: nb_results = len(results) if nb_results == per_page: new_last_visit = results[-1]["visit"] query_params = {} query_params["last_visit"] = new_last_visit if request.query_params.get("per_page"): query_params["per_page"] = per_page result["headers"] = { "link-next": reverse( "api-1-origin-visits", url_args=url_args_next, query_params=query_params, request=request, ) } result.update({"results": results}) return result
[docs] @api_route( r"/origin/(?P<origin_url>.+)/visit/latest/", "api-1-origin-visit-latest", throttle_scope="swh_api_origin_visit_latest", ) @api_doc("/origin/visit/latest/", category="Archive") @format_docstring(return_origin_visit=DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN_VISIT) def api_origin_visit_latest(request: Request, origin_url: str): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/latest/ Get information about the latest visit of a software origin. :param str origin_url: a software origin URL :query boolean require_snapshot: if true, only return a visit with a snapshot :query str visit_type: if provided, filter visits by type {common_headers} {return_origin_visit} :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origin/` """ require_snapshot = request.query_params.get("require_snapshot", "false") return api_lookup( archive.lookup_origin_visit_latest, origin_url, bool(strtobool(require_snapshot)), type=request.query_params.get("visit_type"), lookup_similar_urls=False, notfound_msg=("No visit for origin {} found".format(origin_url)), enrich_fn=partial( enrich_origin_visit, with_origin_link=True, with_origin_visit_link=False ), request=request, )
[docs] @api_route( r"/origin/(?P<origin_url>.+)/visit/(?P<visit_id>[0-9]+)/", "api-1-origin-visit" ) @api_doc("/origin/visit/", category="Archive") @format_docstring(return_origin_visit=DOC_RETURN_ORIGIN_VISIT) def api_origin_visit(request: Request, visit_id: str, origin_url: str): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/(visit_id)/ Get information about a specific visit of a software origin. :param str origin_url: a software origin URL :param int visit_id: a visit identifier {common_headers} {return_origin_visit} :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origin/` """ return api_lookup( archive.lookup_origin_visit, origin_url, int(visit_id), lookup_similar_urls=False, notfound_msg=("No visit {} for origin {} found".format(visit_id, origin_url)), enrich_fn=partial( enrich_origin_visit, with_origin_link=True, with_origin_visit_link=False ), request=request, )
[docs] @api_route( r"/origin/(?P<origin_url>.+)/intrinsic-metadata/", "api-origin-intrinsic-metadata" ) @api_doc("/origin/intrinsic-metadata/", category="Metadata") @format_docstring() def api_origin_intrinsic_metadata(request: Request, origin_url: str): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/intrinsic-metadata Get intrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary). :param string origin_url: the origin url :>json string ???: intrinsic metadata field of the origin {common_headers} :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested origin cannot be found in the archive **Example:** .. parsed-literal:: :swh_web_api:`origin/` """ return api_lookup( archive.lookup_origin_intrinsic_metadata, origin_url, lookup_similar_urls=False, notfound_msg=f"Origin with url {origin_url} not found", enrich_fn=enrich_origin, request=request, )