swh.web.api.views.origin module#
- swh.web.api.views.origin.deprecate_field(_: str)[source]#
Raise an error if a value is sent.
- Parameters:
_ – any value
- Raises:
serializers.ValidationError – a value has been sent
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginsQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origins query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origins(request: Request, validated_query_params: dict[str, Any])[source]#
- GET /api/1/origins/#
Get list of archived software origins.
This endpoint used to provide an
query parameter, and guarantee an order on results. This is no longer true, and only the Link header should be used for paginating through results.- Query Parameters:
origin_count (int) – The maximum number of origins to return (default to 100, cannot exceed 10000)
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin
url (string) – the origin canonical url
metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/
to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin(request: Request, origin_url: str)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/get/#
Get information about a software origin.
- Parameters:
origin_url (string) – the origin url
- Response JSON Object:
origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin
url (string) – the origin canonical url
metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/
to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)visit_types (array) – set of visit types for that origin
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin cannot be found in the archive
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginSearchQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origin search query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_search(request: Request, url_pattern: str, validated_query_params: dict[str, Any])[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/search/(url_pattern)/#
Search for software origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The search is performed in a case insensitive way.
This endpoint used to provide an
query parameter, and guarantee an order on results. This is no longer true, and only the Link header should be used for paginating through results.- Parameters:
url_pattern (string) – a string pattern
- Query Parameters:
use_ql (boolean) – whether to use swh search query language or not
limit (int) – the maximum number of found origins to return (bounded to 1000)
with_visit (boolean) – if true, only return origins with at least one visit by Software heritage
visit_type (string) – if provided, only return origins with that specific visit type (currently the supported types are ???)
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin
url (string) – the origin canonical url
metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/
to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)has_visits (boolean) – indicates if Software Heritage made at least one full visit of the origin
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginMetadataSearchQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origin query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_metadata_search(request: Request, validated_query_params: dict)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/metadata-search/#
Search for software origins whose metadata (expressed as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary) match the provided criteria. For now, only full-text search on this dictionary is supported.
- Query Parameters:
fulltext (str) – a string that will be matched against origin metadata; results are ranked and ordered starting with the best ones.
limit (int) – the maximum number of found origins to return (bounded to 100)
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
origin_visits_url (string) – link to in order to get information about the visits for that origin
url (string) – the origin canonical url
metadata_authorities_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/(target)/authorities/
to get the list of metadata authorities providing extrinsic metadata on this origin (and, indirectly, to the origin’s extrinsic metadata itself)
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginVisitsQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origins visits query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_visits(request: Request, origin_url: str, validated_query_params: dict)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visits/#
Get information about all visits of a software origin. Visits are returned sorted in descending order according to their date.
- Parameters:
origin_url (str) – a software origin URL
- Query Parameters:
per_page (int) – specify the number of visits to list, for pagination purposes
last_visit (int) – visit to start listing from, for pagination purposes
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
Link – indicates that a subsequent result page is available and contains the url pointing to it
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)
origin (str) – the origin canonical url
origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin
snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).
snapshot_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/
in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)
type (string) – visit type for the origin
visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit
id (number) – the unique identifier of the origin
origin_visit_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/(visit_id)/
in order to get information about the visit
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin cannot be found in the archive
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginsVisitLatestQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origins visit latest query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_visit_latest(request: Request, origin_url: str, validated_query_params: dict)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/latest/#
Get information about the latest visit of a software origin.
- Parameters:
origin_url (str) – a software origin URL
- Query Parameters:
require_snapshot (boolean) – if true, only return a visit with a snapshot
visit_type (str) – if provided, filter visits by type
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Response JSON Object:
date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)
origin (str) – the origin canonical url
origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin
snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).
snapshot_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/
in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)
type (string) – visit type for the origin
visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_visit(request: Request, visit_id: str, origin_url: str)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/visit/(visit_id)/#
Get information about a specific visit of a software origin.
- Parameters:
origin_url (str) – a software origin URL
visit_id (int) – a visit identifier
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Response JSON Object:
date (string) – ISO8601/RFC3339 representation of the visit date (in UTC)
origin (str) – the origin canonical url
origin_url (string) – link to get information about the origin
snapshot (string) – the snapshot identifier of the visit (may be null if status is not full).
snapshot_url (string) – link to
GET /api/1/snapshot/(snapshot_id)/
in order to get information about the snapshot of the visit (may be null if status is not full).status (string) – status of the visit (either full, partial or ongoing)
type (string) – visit type for the origin
visit (number) – the unique identifier of the visit
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin or visit cannot be found in the archive
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_intrinsic_metadata_legacy(request: Request, origin_url: str)[source]#
- GET /api/1/origin/(origin_url)/intrinsic-metadata#
This route is deprecated; use http:get:/api/1/intrinsic-metadata/origin/ instead
Get intrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary).
- class swh.web.api.views.origin.OriginUrlQuerySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Origin url query parameters serializer.
When a field is instantiated, we store the arguments that were used, so that we can present a helpful representation of the object.
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_intrinsic_metadata(request: Request, validated_query_params: dict[str, str])[source]#
- GET /api/1/intrinsic-metadata/origin/#
Get intrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary).
- Query Parameters:
origin_url (string) – the URL of the origin
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
??? (???) – intrinsic metadata field of the origin
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin cannot be found in the archive
- swh.web.api.views.origin.api_origin_extrinsic_metadata(request: Request, validated_query_params: dict[str, str])[source]#
- GET /api/1/extrinsic-metadata/origin/#
Get extrinsic metadata of a software origin (as a JSON-LD/CodeMeta dictionary).
- Query Parameters:
origin_url (str) – parameter for origin url
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
??? (???) – extrinsic metadata field of the origin
- Request Headers:
Accept – the requested response content type, either
(default) orapplication/yaml
- Response Headers:
Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – requested origin cannot be found in the archive