
Conda logo

Archival for Conda is currently in development:

Developed by Octobus thanks to a grant from the NLnet Foundation

Conda is an alternative package manager for Python, used in particular by the Anaconda and conda-forge distributions, with support for other language ecosystems.

Software Heritage currently has a lister and a loader for Archlinux packages, but they load binary packages (.tar.gz); and need to be modified to load source packages instead (.conda).

For every configured channel (main, conda-forge, …) and every architecture (linux-64, win-64, …), the Conda lister downloads, from which it extracts a list of package names. Then, from each of these package names, it triggers a load for the origin with the list of tarballs of that package.


There is a _anaconda_depends package; what do we and should we do with it?

Source code from Conda is currently only archived on Software Heritage’s staging infrastructure. Metadata from Conda is currently not collected or indexed at all.