Upgrade Procedure for Debian Nodes in a Rancher Cluster#

Intended audience

sysadm staff members


This page documents the steps to upgrade Debian nodes running in a Rancher cluster. The upgrade process involves various commands and checks before and after rebooting the node.


  • Familiarity with SSH and CLI-based command execution

  • Out-of-band Access to the node (IDRAC/ILO) for reboot

  • Access to the node through SSH (requires the vpn)

Step 0: Initial Steps#

For vm nodes#

For VM nodes, we can take a vm snapshot in case something goes wrong during the migration. Connect to the proxmox ui and select the node, click on the snapshot menu and hit Take snapshot.

We can then switch to the console view to have access to the serial console (in case something bad happened during the reboot).

For bare metal nodes#

Ensure the out of band access to the machine is ok. This definitely helps when something goes wrong during a reboot (disk order or names change, network, …).

Rancher snapshot#

To disable Rancher etcd snapshots go to Cluster Management from Rancher UI, choose a cluster then there are two methods:

  1. edit the YAML configuration:

    From a cluster dashboard choose Edit YAML.

      disableSnapshots: false
      s3: null
      snapshotRetention: 5
      snapshotScheduleCron: <min> */5 * * *
        bucket: backup-rke2-etcd
        cloudCredentialName: cattle-global-data::<xxx>
        endpoint: minio.admin.swh.network
        folder: <folder>
      snapshotRetention: 5
      snapshotScheduleCron: <min> */5 * * *











  2. edit the configuration:

    • from a cluster dashboard Edit Config;

    • in etcd section tab choose disable in Backup Snapshots to S3 section;

    • if there is a custom configuration, CoreDNS for example, plan/apply the terraform cluster deployment.

Edit configuration graphically

With Edit Config all the custom configurations (CoreDNS) will be overwrite.

Check the clusters leases and configmaps used by Rancher snapshots:

 for context in $(kubectx | awk '/-rke2/');do
echo -e "---\nEtcd leader in cluster $context"
kubectl --context "$context" exec $(kubectl --context "$context" get po -n kube-system -l component=etcd --no-headers -o jsonpath='{range .items[0]}{.metadata.name}{end}') -n kube-system \
-- etcdctl --cacert='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-ca.crt' \
--cert='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-client.crt' \
--key='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-client.key' \
endpoint status --cluster | awk '/true/{split($1,a,":");print substr(a[2],3)}' | \
xargs -I{} dig -x {} +short | awk -F '.' '{printf "\t%s\n",$1}'
echo "Leases and configmaps in cluster $context"
for name in rke2 rke2-etcd;do
kubectl --context "$context" get cm -n kube-system "$name" -o jsonpath='{.kind} {.metadata.name} {.metadata.annotations.control-plane\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io/leader}' | \
awk '{split($3,a,",");printf "\t%-10s %-10s %s\n",$1,$2,substr(a[1],2)}'
kubectl --context "$context" get leases -n kube-system "$name" -o jsonpath='{.kind} {.metadata.name} {.spec.holderIdentity}' | \
awk '{printf "\t%-10s %-10s %s\n",$1,$2,$3}'
Etcd leader in cluster archive-production-rke2
Leases and configmaps in cluster archive-production-rke2
        ConfigMap  rke2       "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-production-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2       rancher-node-production-rke2-mgmt1
        ConfigMap  rke2-etcd  "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-production-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2-etcd  rancher-node-production-rke2-mgmt1
Etcd leader in cluster archive-staging-rke2
Leases and configmaps in cluster archive-staging-rke2
        ConfigMap  rke2       "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-staging-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2       rancher-node-staging-rke2-mgmt1
        ConfigMap  rke2-etcd  "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-staging-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2-etcd  rancher-node-staging-rke2-mgmt1
Etcd leader in cluster cluster-admin-rke2
Leases and configmaps in cluster cluster-admin-rke2
        ConfigMap  rke2       "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-admin-rke2-mgmt2"
        Lease      rke2       rancher-node-admin-rke2-mgmt2
        ConfigMap  rke2-etcd  "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-admin-rke2-mgmt2"
        Lease      rke2-etcd  rancher-node-admin-rke2-mgmt2
Etcd leader in cluster test-staging-rke2
Leases and configmaps in cluster test-staging-rke2
        ConfigMap  rke2       "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-test-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2       rancher-node-test-rke2-mgmt1
        ConfigMap  rke2-etcd  "holderIdentity":"rancher-node-test-rke2-mgmt1"
        Lease      rke2-etcd  rancher-node-test-rke2-mgmt1


Step 1: Migrate to the next debian suite#

Update the Debian version of the node (e.g. bullseye to bookworm) using the following command:

root@node:~# /usr/local/bin/migrate-to-${NEXT_CODENAME}.sh

Note: The script should be present on the machine (installed through puppet).

Step 2: Run Puppet Agent#

Once the upgrade procedure happened, run the puppet agent to apply any necessary configuration changes (e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list change, etc…)

root@node:~# puppet agent -t

Step 3: Autoremove and Purge#

Perform autoremove to remove unnecessary packages left-over from the migration:

root@node:~# apt autoremove

Step 4: Put an argocd sync window#

Our deployments are managed by argocd which keeps in sync all the deployments. We want to temporarily disable this sync.

Go to the argocd ui and put the sync window from allow to deny.

We want this so we can adapt the deployments scalability to a minimum. That decreases the overall number of pods running, hence less churn around moving pods from one node to another (which will eventually have to also migrate).

Note that either the deployment scale is to be adapted or the keda scaled objects (e.g. loader*, replayer, …). It depends on the deployments.

Step 5: Drain the node#

Now that we scale down the deployments, we still have some pods running and we want to keep running but not on the currently upgrading node.

For this, we must drain the node so pods are redistributed back to the other cluster nodes.

user@admin-node:~# kubectl --cluster-context archive-production-rke2 \
  drain \
    --delete-emptydir-data=true \
    --ignore-daemonsets=true \

Wait for the cli to return and for the pods stopped to be running on the other nodes of the cluster.

Step 6: Reboot the Node#

We are finally ready to reboot the node, so just do it:

root@node:~# reboot

You can connect to the serial console of the machine to follow through the reboot.

Step 7: Clean up some more#

Once the machine is restarted, some cleanup might be necessary.

root@node:~# apt autopurge

In the case of the bullseye-bookworm migration, on some vms, we needed to uninstall some package and disable some new failing services.

root@node:~# apt purge -y openipmi
root@node:~# systemctl reset-failed   # so icinga stops complaining

Step 8: Join back the rancher cluster#

After the node reboots, check the node joined back the Rancher cluster.

And then must uncordon the node so the kube scheduler can schedule pods on this node again (the node will be mared as ready.

Post cluster migration#

Once all the nodes of the cluster have been migrated:

  • Remove the argocd sync window so the cluster is back to nominal state.

  • Enable back the Rancher etcd snapshots.

  • Check the holderIdentity value in rke2 and rke2-lease leases and configmaps.