Intended audience
sysadm staff members
Gitlab installation#
The deployment of the gitlab instances is managed by:
terraform for the infrastructure part
ArgoCd for the Gitlab deployment
Each deployment relies on a dedicated AKS instance and a dedicated blob storage.
The terraform code is deploying and configuring a full, dedicated Azure Kubernetes Service matching this environment:

The output of terraform displays all the necessary information to connect to the kubernetes cluster. It’s also possible to get the information by executing those commands:
terraform output gitlab-<instance>_aks_summary
terraform output --raw gitlab-<instance>_storage_summary
Once the infrastructure is created and available, Gitlab is deployed by ArgoCD. It’s done by deploying the Gitlab Operator and a gitlab configuration (for example, the staging configuration).
A couple of other components are also deployed in parallel to manage the monitoring, an additional ingress controller and cert-manager. The applications are available in the k8s-clusters-conf repository.
Important components#
The gitlab transactional data is stored on a couple of kubernetes PVs associated to their relative Azure volumes
kubectl -n gitlab-system get pv 17:36:19
pvc-38afb357-36e4-4661-9be6-011f58a24c95 64Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/repo-data-gitlab-gitaly-0 default 20d
pvc-46544290-0278-4b41-b616-7466cd5140f9 8Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/data-gitlab-postgresql-0 default 20d
pvc-988b8047-2ac9-426b-8792-37d749141657 8Gi RWO Retain Bound gitlab-system/redis-data-gitlab-redis-master-0 default 20d
pvc-c55bdefa-089b-4cda-b0d0-a1daafb6f37f 16Gi RWO Retain Bound monitoring/prometheus-gitlab-production-promethe-prometheus-db-prometheus-gitlab-production-promethe-prometheus-0 default 19d
By default, the operator use a Delete reclaim policy which is risky. After the initial installation, it was manually changed to switch to a Retain policy
The gitlab assets (attachments, container registry data, …) are stored in a dedicated object storage account
<Not yet available>
The backup will be stored on a minio instance installed on the Rocquencourt infrastructure. see #4645
An upgrade of gitlab is done in two major steps (always test in staging before upgrading the production environment)
It’s important to follow the operator releases (at most 3 minor versions late or the migration will not be supported by the operator).
Step 1 Upgrade the operator
Check the last gitlab operator release and the chart versions mapping
Update the operator version in the application declaration. Example of upgrade
Commit and push the change.
Wait a couple of minutes to let ArgoCD apply the change
A restart of the operator pod should happen (check the gitlab-controller-manager pod).
Something like this should be visible in the operator logs:
> kubernetes logs gitlab-controller-manager-xxxx-xxxx
Configuration error detected: chart version 6.5.1 not supported; please use one of the following: 6.5.2, 6.4.4, 6.3.5
At this point, the gitlab operator is updated but the Gitlab upgrade itself is not yet started.
Step 2 Upgrade the gitlab version
Follow the recommended upgrade path depending on the current deployed version of the gitlab instance and the allowed versions of the operator
Update the chart version matching the desired gitlab version (should be present on the release page of the operator) in the gitlab resource declaration
Commit and push the change
Wait a couple of minutes to let ArgoCD apply the change
An upgrade of the gitlab services should happen and the launch of a migration pod should be done
After a couple of minutes (could be as long as an hour), the cluster should stabilize if everything is ok (no pending pods, no pods in error, …)
Check the deployed version and the operator logs to check if nothing is wrong
> kubectl -n gitlab-system get gitlab 17:33:39
gitlab Running 6.5.2