Reference: Outboarding checklist#
Intended audience
sysadm members
This page describes outboarding process for staff people, i.e., what to do when they leave the project.
At the entrance desk, give back:
Inria access badge and office keys
cantine card
Technical setup#
lock *nix account on project machines
Edit puppet data for the user
Change password hash to ‘!’ in the swh-private-data repository
Change shell to /bin/false
let puppet push itself :)
phabricator: remove user from groups Developers, Members, Interns (if applicable)
revoke VPN certificate
remove “staff” role (and others) from production and staging user accounts on Keycloak
review open and assigned tasks in Phabricator and unassign them as needed.
unsubscribe from mailing lists: swh-team
uninvite/kick from IRC channels: #swh-team