Intended audience
sysadm staff members
Azure Kubernetes Service howtos#
Kubernetes clusters#
ᐅ az aks list | jq -r '.[]|
"\(.name) \(.kubernetesVersion) \(.location) \(.resourceGroup)"' | \
awk 'BEGIN{format="%-25s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n";
printf format,"Cluster Name", "Kubernetes Version", "Location", "Resource Group";
printf format,"---","---","---","---"}
{printf format,$1,$2,$3,$4}'
Cluster Name Kubernetes Version Location Resource Group
--- --- --- ---
euwest-gitlab-staging 1.29.4 westeurope euwest-gitlab-staging
euwest-rancher 1.28.9 westeurope euwest-rancher
euwest-gitlab-production 1.29.4 westeurope euwest-gitlab-production
Upgrading Kubernetes#
The Kubernetes supported version in AKS can be checked on this release calendar.
For the Rancher cluster, check the supported versions.
For the GitLab clusters, check which versions are supported by the operator.
Get the current GitLab operator version
ᐅ for app in $(kubectl --context cluster-admin-rke2 get applications -n argocd -o name | \
awk '/gitlab-operator/');do
awk '{split($1,a,"/");print a[2]}' <<< "$app"
kubectl --context cluster-admin-rke2 describe "$app" -n argocd | \
awk '/{split($1,a,":");printf "\t version: %s\n", a[2]}'
version: 1.1.1
version: 1.1.1
Get the current Rancher version
ᐅ for pod in $(kubectl --context local get pods -n cattle-system -l app=rancher -o name)
do kubectl --context local describe -n cattle-system "$pod" | \
awk '/^([[:space:]]*Image|Name):/'
Name: rancher-58994f549-5phdn
Image: rancher/rancher:v2.8.4
Name: rancher-58994f549-dq86k
Image: rancher/rancher:v2.8.4
Check the current node pool image.
ᐅ az aks nodepool show \
--resource-group euwest-gitlab-staging \
--cluster-name euwest-gitlab-staging \
--name default \
--query nodeImageVersion
Check the current kubernetes version and the future node pool image.
ᐅ az aks nodepool get-upgrades --resource-group euwest-gitlab-staging \
--nodepool-name default \
--cluster-name euwest-gitlab-staging --output table
KubernetesVersion LatestNodeImageVersion Name OsType ResourceGroup
------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -------- ---------------------
1.26.10 AKSUbuntu-2204gen2containerd-202406.07.0 default Linux euwest-gitlab-staging
Node Pool Image
The node image is automatically updated when upgrading the node pool to a new Kubernetes version, but the node pool can be manually updated to the latest image outside of a Kubernetes version upgrade.
Get the available upgrades in the next minor version.
ᐅ az aks get-upgrades --resource-group euwest-gitlab-staging \
--name euwest-gitlab-staging --output table
Name ResourceGroup MasterVersion Upgrades
------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------
default euwest-gitlab-staging 1.26.10 1.27.9, 1.27.13
Launch the upgrade.
ᐅ az aks upgrade \
--resource-group euwest-gitlab-staging \
--name euwest-gitlab-staging \
--kubernetes-version 1.27.13
Repeat the same operations for each minor version.
GitLab Terraform Code
Once you are done with the cluster upgrade, update the kubernetes_version
variable in the azure/terraform/
in the sysadm-provisioning