How to deploy a Puppet change#

Intended audience

staff members with enough permissions to deploy

Once done with the development changes and those are landed


Once your change is landed in the swh-site repository, you need to deploy the manifest on the puppet master.

Then puppet agent will refresh themselves and apply the changes themselves every 30min.

you@pergamon$ sudo swh-puppet-master-deploy


you@localhost$ cd puppet-environment
you@localhost$ bin/deploy-on machine1 machine2...

Note: puppet-environment

Remember to pass --apt to bin/deploy-on if freshly uploaded Software Heritage packages are to be deployed. Also, bin/deploy-on --help is your friend.


# if a new or updated version debian package needs deploying
you@machine$ sudo apt-get update
# to test/review changes
you@machine$ sudo swh-puppet-test
# to apply
you@machine$ sudo swh-puppet-apply