Citation workflow and architecture#

Quick reminder on metadata objects#

Metadata in Software Heritage is explained in detail in the document Metadata workflow and architecture. There are two types of metadata that are useful for citation, intrinsic and extrinsic. These two types can come from two sources: the archive itself (raw metadata) and the indexer (indexed metadata).

For each metadata type and metadata source, metadata can be extracted for a specific object (snapshot, release, revision, directory, content), using its SWHID, or using the repository URL (origin). In the latter case, it will return the metadata for the latest version (latest visit snapshot) of the repository root directory on the main branch.

Citation use cases#

Citation use cases#


As a

I can

so that

UC1 (v1, v2)


retrieve a citation or BibTeX export for a software artifact directly on SWH interface

the software will be cited with correct attribution

UC2 (v1, v2)

Publisher (Episciences)

retrieve a citation or BibTeX export for a software artifact programmatically

expose BibTeX


Aggregator (OpenAire)

retrieve intrinsic metadata from SWH programmatically

the software record will be enriched

Citation v1: data flow#

In this version, Software Heritage can generate a citation in BibTeX format from the raw intrinsic metadata available in the archive. The raw intrinsic metadata used for citation will be a found codemeta.json file or, alternatively, a found citation.cff file in the repository.

As per metadata extraction:

  • When given an origin URL, the citation will be generated from the latest version of the repository root directory metadata on the main branch.

  • When given a SWHID object of type snapshot, release or revision, the citation will be generated from the repository root directory metadata, associated with that version.

  • When given a directory object, if the SWHID is qualified with an anchor (explained in the document SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs), the citation will be generated from the repository root directory metadata, associated with the anchor version.


However, if no anchor was specified, it will be generated directly from the metadata found in that directory.

  • When given a content object, if the SWHID is qualified with an anchor, the citation will be generated from metadata of the repository root directory. If no anchor was specified, the citation cannot be generated due to a lack of information.

Citation v1: architecture#

Software Heritage provides a web API (through swh.web) to generate a citation, given an origin URL or a qualified SWHID.

The corresponding API endpoints are:

  • /api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/origin/ (example: /api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/origin/?citation_format=bibtex&origin_url=

  • /api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/swhid/SWHID/ (example: /api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/swhid/?citation_format=bibtex&target_swhid=swh:1:dir:2dc0f462d191524530f5612d2935851505af41dd;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:2128ed4f25f2d7ae7c8b7950a611d69cf4429063/)

Currently, the only allowed citation format value is BibTeX (citation_format=bibtex).

This API uses intermediate utility methods:

  • in swh.web, to retrieve raw intrinsic metadata, given an origin URL or a qualified SWHID, which return original codemeta.json and citation.cff files.

  • in swh.indexer, to convert a codemeta.json or a citation.cff file into a BibTeX citation.

Codemeta/citation.cff to BibTeX mapping#

A citation.cff file will be first converted into a codemeta.json document. The CFF to CodeMeta mapping can be found in the codemeta repository.

The CodeMeta to BibTeX mapping, used for the converter, is currently under review.

Note on BibTeX @software, @softwareversion and @codefragment usage#

The generated BibTeX citation can be of type @software, @softwareversion or @codefragment. The rule is the following:

  • If SWHID is not specified,

    • And if version is specified, then it will be @softwareversion.

    • Otherwise, it will be @software.

  • If SWHID is specified

    • And is of type snapshot, then it will be @software.

    • And is of type release, revision or directory, then it will be @softwareversion.

    • And is of type content, then it will be @codefragment.

A generated BibTeX example#

    author = "Di Cosmo, Roberto and Danelutto, Marco",
    organization = "Inria and University Paris Diderot and University of Pisa",
    license = "LGPL-2.0-only",
    date = "2011-07-18",
    year = "2011",
    month = "07",
    repository = "git+",
    title = "Parmap",
    swhid = "swh:1:snp:01b2cc89f4c423f1bda4757edd86ae4013b919b0;origin="

Citation v1: UI#

Citation should be available in the webapp through a new Citation tab under the Permalinks tab, that should open the Permalinks/Citation box.


In the current v1 version, citation is generated from raw intrinsic metadata, i.e. codemeta.json or citation.cff file.

    title Metadata types and sources for citation generation
    x-axis Raw --> Indexed
    y-axis Extrinsic --> Intrinsic
    codemeta.json: [0.25, 0.9]
    citation.cff: [0.25, 0.75]

Metadata types and sources for citation generation v1

The next versions of the citation feature should include:

  • New supported citation formats.

  • Citation styles?

  • On the API/backend side:

    • v2: Generating citations from indexed intrinsic and extrinsic metadata (merging behaviour to be defined).

    • v3: Authorities.