Docker environment#

This docker repository contains Dockerfiles to run a small Software Heritage instance on a development machine. The end goal is to smooth the contributors/developers workflow. Focus on coding, not configuring!


Running a Software Heritage instance on your machine can consume quite a bit of resources: if you play a bit too hard (e.g., if you try to list all GitHub repositories with the corresponding lister), you may fill your hard drive, and consume a lot of CPU, memory and network bandwidth.

It is generally used as a subdirectory of the swh-environment (but not necessarily).


We recommend using the latest version of docker, so please read for more details on how to install Docker on your machine.

This environment uses Docker Compose, so ensure you have a working Docker environment and that the docker compose plugin (>= 2.24.4) is installed.

Service “packs”#

The Software Heritage stack consists in many services running along each other to implement the full feature set of the SWH platform.

However not all these services are required all the time for someone playing with this toy, and launching the stack full blast can be pretty resource heavy on the user’s machine.

So we divided the services in several “sets” that can be enabled or not. Each of these feature sets can be started by using the corresponding compose file, in addition to the main one. Provided compose files are:

  • compose.yml: the main compose file, firing basic (core) SWH services (see below). You can browse the archive using the URL http://localhost:<publicport> (<publicport> being the port chosen by docker for the service nginx).

  • compose.cassandra.yml: replace the backend of the main swh-storage service by Cassandra (instead of Postgresql).

  • compose.deposit.yml: activate the swh-deposit feature set of the SWH stack.

  • compose.graph.yml: add the swh-graph feature. This may require some manual commands to (re)generate the graph dataset used by swh-graph.

  • compose.keycloak.yml: activate the keycloak-based auhentication backend for the web frontend (without it, you only have the django-based authentication mechanism included in swh-web).

  • compose.mirror.yml: deploy a complete SWH mirror stack in a dedicated environment: you can browse the mirror using the URL http://localhost:<publicport> (<publicport> being the port chosen by docker for the service nginx-mirror).

  • compose.replica.yml: deploy a partial SWH stack using a postgresal storage filled using the pglogical replication mechanism. You can browse the mirror using the URL http://localhost:<publicport> (<publicport> being the port chosen by docker for the service nginx-replica).

  • compose.scrubber.yml: deploy swh-scrubber services (scrubbing the Postgresql storage only for now, so incompatible with the compose.cassandra.yml override).

  • replace the in-memory search engine backend for the SWH archive by an ElasticSearch based one (see swh-search).

  • compose.vault.yml: activate the swh-vault feature of the SWH stack.

Activating one (or several) of these feature “packs” is a matter of either use the appropriate –file options of the docker compose command, or define the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable.

For example:

~/swh-environment/docker$ export
~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose up -d

Details of the main service set#

The main compose.yml file defines the following services (among others):

  • swh-storage-db: a softwareheritage instance db that stores the Merkle DAG,

  • swh-objstorage: Content-addressable object storage; it uses a docker volume to store the objects using the pathslicer backend,

  • swh-storage: Abstraction layer over the archive, allowing to access all stored source code artifacts as well as their metadata, mostly used in write scenarios or when full access is required,

  • swh-storage-public: Same as swh-storage but intended for public read scenarios (e.g. swh-web, swh-vault) with the masking proxy enabled,

  • swh-web: the Software Heritage web user interface (with a default “admin” account with password “admin”),

  • swh-scheduler: the API service as well as a series of utilities (runner, listener, metrics…),

  • swh-lister: celery workers dedicated to running lister tasks,

  • swh-loaders: celery workers dedicated to importing/updating source code content (VCS repos, source packages, etc.),

  • swh-journal: Persistent logger of changes to the archive, with publish-subscribe support. This consists in a Kafka journal and a series of producers (typically the storage or indexers) and consumers (generally called xxx-journal-client).

That means you can start doing the ingestion using those services using the same setup described in the getting-started starting directly at

Note that in addition to these core SWH services, the main compose file also defines all the required backend services:

  • nginx, used as main edge proxy for all “public” services running in the compose environment,

  • rabbitmq (amqp),

  • kafka (with a kafka-ui frontend),

  • prometheus (with several helper tools),

  • grafana,

  • mailpit,

  • redis,

  • memcache.

Exposed Ports#

The only services exposing a port are the main nginx dispatchers (on internal port 80). The public port is chosen by docker compose so it does not collide with any use port on the host.

That means that if you want to access the archive running in the compose session, you need to ask docker compose about the port to use for that:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose port nginx 80

If you really want to make it use a fixed port instead, either modify the main compose.yml file accordingly, or use an override file like:

~/swh-environment/docker$ cat compose.override.yml
      - "5080:80"

You generally just need to run commands from within a running container, so you may use all the default host and ports of services running in the compose session. For example to show the Celery status:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler celery status
loader@61704103668c: OK

The services exposing internal ports on the host are:

  • nginx from the main compose.yml file,

  • nginx-replica from the compose.replica.yml file and

  • nginx-mirror from the compose.mirror.yml file.

Useful services are then exposed by nginx via URL routing:

  • /: main SWH archive web app,

  • /deposit: swh-deposit public and private API

  • /grafana: the Grafana dashboard for Prometheus

  • /kafka-ui: the kafka-UI dashboard for kafka

  • /mail: the mailpit dashboard

  • /prometheus: the Prometheus monitoring service

  • /graphql: swh-graphql public graphQL API (if available)

  • /keycloak: the Keycloak service (if available)

  • /svix: the weebook engine svix API (if available)

  • /azure: the Azurite-based Azure API (if available)

  • /es: access the ElasticSearch service (if available)

Software Heritage internal (RPC) APIs are exposed as well for testing purpose under the /rpc “namespace”:

  • /rpc/scheduler

  • /rpc/storage

  • /rpc/objstorage

  • /rpc/indexer-storage

  • /rpc/search

  • /rpc/vault

  • /rpc/counters

Managing tasks#

One of the main components of the Software Heritage platform is the task system. These are used to manage everything related to background process, like discovering new git repositories to import, ingesting them, checking a known repository is up to date, etc.

The task system is based on Celery but uses a custom database-based scheduler.

So when we refer to the term ‘task’, it may designate either a Celery task or a SWH one (ie. the entity in the database). When we refer to simply a “task” in the documentation, it designates the SWH task.

When a SWH task is ready to be executed, a Celery task is created to handle the actual SWH task’s job. Note that not all Celery tasks are directly linked to a SWH task (some SWH tasks are implemented using a Celery task that spawns Celery subtasks).

A (SWH) task can be recurring or oneshot. oneshot tasks are only executed once, whereas recurring are regularly executed. The scheduling configuration of these recurring tasks can be set via the fields current_interval and priority (can be ‘high’, ‘normal’ or ‘low’) of the task database entity.

Inserting a new lister task#

To list the content of a source code provider like github or a Debian distribution, you may add a new task for this.

This task will (generally) scrape a web page or use a public API to identify the list of published software artefacts (git repos, debian source packages, etc.)

Then, for each repository, a new task will be created to ingest this repository and keep it up to date.

For example, to add a (one shot) task that will list git repos on the gitlab instance, one can do (from this git repository):

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
    swh scheduler task add list-gitlab-full \
      -p oneshot url=

Created 1 tasks

Task 12
  Next run: just now (2018-12-19 14:58:49+00:00)
  Interval: 90 days, 0:00:00
  Type: list-gitlab-full
  Policy: oneshot
  Keyword args:

This will insert a new task in the scheduler. To list existing tasks for a given task type:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
  swh scheduler task list-pending list-gitlab-full

Found 1 list-gitlab-full tasks

Task 12
  Next run: 2 minutes ago (2018-12-19 14:58:49+00:00)
  Interval: 90 days, 0:00:00
  Type: list-gitlab-full
  Policy: oneshot
  Keyword args:

To list all existing task types:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
  swh scheduler task-type list

Known task types:
  Loading svn repositories from svn dump
  Create dump of a remote svn repository, mount it and load it
  Loading deposit archive into swh through swh-loader-tar
  Pre-checking deposit step before loading into swh archive
  Cook a Vault bundle
  Loading mercurial repository swh-loader-mercurial
  Loading archive mercurial repository swh-loader-mercurial
  Update an origin of type git
  Incrementally list GitHub
  Full update of GitHub repos list
  List a Debian distribution
  Incrementally list a Gitlab instance
  Full update of a Gitlab instance's repos list
  Full pypi lister
  Load Pypi origin
  Mimetype indexer task
  Mimetype Range indexer task
  Fossology license indexer task
  Fossology license range indexer task
  Origin Head indexer task
  Revision Metadata indexer task
  Origin Metadata indexer task

Monitoring activity#

You can monitor the workers activity by connecting to the RabbitMQ console on http://localhost:<publicport>/rabbitmq or the grafana dashboard on http://localhost:<publicport>/grafana.

If you cannot see any task being executed, check the logs of the swh-scheduler-runner service (here is a failure example due to the debian lister task not being properly registered on the swh-scheduler-runner service):

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose logs --tail=10 swh-scheduler-runner
Attaching to docker_swh-scheduler-runner_1
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |     "__main__", mod_spec)
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 85, in _run_code
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |     exec(code, run_globals)
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/scheduler/celery_backend/", line 107, in <module>
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |     run_ready_tasks(main_backend, main_app)
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/scheduler/celery_backend/", line 81, in run_ready_tasks
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |     task_types[task['type']]['backend_name']
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/celery/app/", line 21, in __missing__
swh-scheduler-runner_1    |     raise self.NotRegistered(key)
swh-scheduler-runner_1    | celery.exceptions.NotRegistered: 'swh.lister.debian.tasks.DebianListerTask'

Using docker setup development and integration testing#

If you hack the code of one or more archive components with a virtual env based setup as described in the developer setup guide, you may want to test your modifications in a working Software Heritage instance. The simplest way to achieve this is to use this docker-based environment.

If you haven’t followed the developer setup guide, you must clone the the swh-environment repo:

~$ git clone
~$ cd swh-environment

From there, we will checkout or update all the swh packages:

~/swh-environment$ ./bin/update

This later command will clone the docker repository in the swh-environment/ directory, as well as all the active swh package source repositories.

Install a swh package from sources in a container#

It is possible to run a docker container with some swh packages installed from sources instead of using the latest published packages from pypi. To do this you must write a Docker Compose override file (compose.override.yml). An example is given in the compose.override.yml.example file:

version: '2'

      - "$HOME/swh-environment/swh-objstorage:/src/swh-objstorage:ro"

The file named compose.override.yml will automatically be loaded by Docker Compose if no --file argument is set nor the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable is defined (otherwise you have to add it explicitly).

This example shows the simple case of the swh-objstorage package: the local swh-objstorage source code repository is mounted in the container in /src. The entrypoint will detect this and install it using pip in editable mode (as well as any other swh-* package found in /src/) so you can easily hack your code. If the application you play with has autoreload support, there is no need to restart the impacted container (this may not always work).

In a nutshell#

  • Start the SWH platform:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose up -d
  • Check celery:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
      celery status
    listers@50ac2185c6c9: OK
    loader@b164f9055637: OK
    indexer@33bc6067a5b8: OK
  • List task-types:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
      swh scheduler task-type list
  • Get more info on a task type:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
      swh scheduler task-type list -v -t load-hg
    Known task types:
    load-hg: swh.loader.mercurial.tasks.LoadMercurial
      Loading mercurial repository swh-loader-mercurial
      interval: 1 day, 0:00:00 [1 day, 0:00:00, 1 day, 0:00:00]
      backoff_factor: 1.0
      max_queue_length: 1000
      num_retries: None
      retry_delay: None
  • Add a new task:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
      swh scheduler task add load-hg \
    Created 1 tasks
    Task 1
       Next run: just now (2019-02-06 12:36:58+00:00)
       Interval: 1 day, 0:00:00
       Type: load-hg
       Policy: recurring
       Keyword args:
  • Respawn a task:

    (swh) ~/swh-environment$ docker compose exec swh-scheduler \
      swh scheduler task respawn 1

Using locally installed swh tools with docker#

In all examples above, we have executed swh commands from within a running container. It is sometimes easily possible to run them locally, in your virtual env. If you have a virtualenv with the swh stack properly installed, you can use them to interact with swh services running in docker containers.

For this, we just need to configure a few environment variables. First, ensure your Software Heritage virtualenv is activated (here, using virtualenvwrapper):

~$ workon swh
(swh) ~/swh-environment$ export NGINX_PORT=$(docker compose port nginx 80 | awk -F ':' '{print$2}')
(swh) ~/swh-environment$ export SWH_SCHEDULER_URL=${NGINX_PORT}/rpc/scheduler/

You can now use the swh-scheduler command directly from your working venv:

(swh) ~/swh-environment$ swh scheduler task-type list
Known task types:
  Fossology license indexer task
  Mimetype indexer task

Data persistence for a development setting#

The default compose.yml configuration is not geared towards data persistence, but application testing.

Volumes defined in associated images are anonymous and may get either unused or removed on the next docker compose up.

One way to make sure these volumes persist is to use named volumes. The volumes may be defined as follows in a compose.override.yml. Note that volume definitions are merged with other compose files based on destination path.

      - "swh_storage_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
      - "swh_objstorage_data:/srv/softwareheritage/objects"


This way, docker compose down without the -v flag will not remove those volumes and data will persist.

Additional components#

We provide some extra modularity in what components to run through additional compose.*.yml files.

They are disabled by default, because they add layers of complexity and increase resource usage, while not being necessary to operate a small Software Heritage instance.

Starting a kafka-powered mirror of the storage#

This repo comes with an optional docker compose file that can be used to test the kafka-powered mirror mechanism for the main storage.

This can be used like:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f \
     up -d

Compared to the original compose file, this will:

  • overrides the swh-storage service to activate the kafka direct writer on swh.journal.objects prefixed topics using the ID,

  • overrides the swh-web service to make it use the mirror instead of the master storage,

  • starts a db for the mirror,

  • starts a storage service based on this db,

  • starts a replayer service that runs the process that listen to kafka to keeps the mirror in sync.

When using it, you will have a setup in which the master storage is used by workers and most other services, whereas the storage mirror will be used to by the web application and should be kept in sync with the master storage by kafka.

Note that the object storage is not replicated here, only the graph storage.

Starting the backfiller#

Reading from the storage the objects from within range [start-object, end-object] to the kafka topics.

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f \
     -f \
     run \
     swh-journal-backfiller \
     snapshot \
     --start-object 000000 \
     --end-object 000001 \


We are working on an alternative backend for swh-storage, based on Cassandra instead of PostgreSQL.

This can be used like:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f compose.cassandra.yml \
     up -d

This launches two Cassandra servers, and reconfigures swh-storage to use them.

Efficient counters#

The web interface shows counters of the number of objects in your archive, by counting objects in the PostgreSQL or Cassandra database.

While this should not be an issue at the scale of your local Docker instance, counting objects can actually be a bottleneck at Software Heritage’s scale. So swh-storage uses heuristics, that can be either not very efficient or inaccurate.

So we have an alternative based on Redis’ HyperLogLog feature, which you can test with:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f compose.counters.yml \
     up -d

Efficient graph traversals#

swh-graph is a work-in-progress alternative to swh-storage to perform large graph traversals/queries on the merkle DAG.

For example, it can be used by the vault, as it needs to query all objects in the sub-DAG of a given node.

You can use it with:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
    -f compose.yml \
    -f compose.graph.yml up -d

On the first start, it will run some precomputation based on all objects already in your local SWH instance; so it may take a long time if you loaded many repositories. (Expect 5 to 10s per repository.)

It does not update automatically when you load new repositories. You need to restart it every time you want to update it.

You can mount a docker volume on /srv/softwareheritage/graph to avoid recomputing this graph on every start. Then, you need to explicitly request recomputing the graph before restarts if you want to update it:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f compose.graph.yml \
     run swh-graph update
~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f compose.graph.yml \
     stop swh-graph
~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     -f compose.yml \
     -f compose.graph.yml \
     up -d swh-graph


If you really want to hack on swh-web’s authentication features, you will need to enable Keycloak as well, instead of the default Django-based authentication:

~/swh-environment/docker$ docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose.keycloak.yml up -d

User registration in Keycloak database is available by following the Register link in the page located at http://localhost:<publicport>/oidc/login/.

Please note that email verification is required to properly register an account. As we are in a testing environment, we use a Mailpit instance as a fake SMTP server. All emails sent by Keycloak can be easily read from the Mailpit Web UI located at http://localhost:8025/.


Consuming topics from the host#

As mentioned above, it is possible to consume topics from the kafka server available in the Docker Compose environment from the host using as broker URL.

Resetting offsets#

It is also possible to reset a consumer group offset using the following command:

~swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     run kafka \
         --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
         --group <group> \
         --all-topics \
         --reset-offsets --to-earliest --execute

You can use –topic <topic> instead of –all-topics to specify a topic.

Getting information on consumers#

You can get information on consumer groups:

~swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     run kafka \
         --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
         --describe --members --all-groups

Or the stored offsets for all (or a given) groups:

~swh-environment/docker$ docker compose \
     run kafka \
         --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
         --describe --offsets --all-groups

Using Sentry#

All entrypoints to SWH code (CLI, gunicorn, celery, …) are, or should be, instrumented using Sentry. By default this is disabled, but if you run your own Sentry instance, you can use it.

To do so, you must get a DSN from your Sentry instance, and set it as the value of SWH_SENTRY_DSN in the file env/common_python.env. You may also set it per-service in the environment section of each services in compose.override.yml.


Running a lister task can lead to a lot of loading tasks, which can fill your hard drive pretty fast. Make sure to monitor your available storage space regularly when playing with this stack.

Also, a few containers (swh-storage, swh-xxx-db) use a volume for storing the blobs or the database files. With the default configuration provided in the compose.yml file, these volumes are not persistent. So removing the containers will delete the volumes!

Also note that for the swh-objstorage, since the volume can be pretty big, the remove operation can be quite long (several minutes is not uncommon), which may mess a bit with the docker compose command.

If you have an error message like:

Error response from daemon: removal of container 928de3110381 is already in progress

it means that you need to wait for this process to finish before being able to (re)start your docker stack again.