swh.web.utils.metadata module#

swh.web.utils.metadata.get_bibtex_from_origin(origin_url: str) str[source]#

Get citation in BibTeX format given a software origin, from found raw intrinsic metadata in the repository, i.e. original codemeta.json and citation.cff, for the latest visit snapshot main branch root directory.


origin_url – origin url


it contains at least an entry type and an entry key)

Return type:

The software citation in BibTeX format (cannot be empty

  • swh.web.utils.exc.NotFoundExc – when snapshot, branch or directory is missing, no metadata could be found or the metadata files could not be decoded.

  • BadInputExc – when the origin does not allow to find metadata.

swh.web.utils.metadata.get_bibtex_from_swhid(target_swhid: str) str[source]#

Get citation in BibTeX format given a SWHID, from found raw intrinsic metadata in the repository, i.e. original codemeta.json and citation.cff, for the target object.

  • target_swhid – SWHID which target object cannot be of type Content and which can

  • no (be qualified or)


it contains at least an entry type and an entry key)

Return type:

The software citation in BibTeX format (cannot be empty

  • swh.web.utils.exc.NotFoundExc – when snapshot, branch or directory is missing, no metadata could be found or the metadata files could not be decoded.

  • BadInputExc – when the origin does not allow to find metadata.